Smooth Criminal

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Santana's POV:

Phone call between Santana and Brittany:


Hey, Britt-Britt! How are you?


Bad? What's wrong? Are you okay? What happened?

I miss you...

Y-You miss me? Is that it?

Well, yeah, but it is serious!
I smiled a little at that- she always finds a way to remind me why she's my favourite person, even if she does make me worry over nothing.

You're mean.
I huffed.
But I miss you too.

Good. Where are you, anyway? I can hear cars.

I'm in my car. I just left Blaine's. I was actually phoning to ask if you want to stay together tonight?

Oh shit, she never uses my full name. What did I do? I'm scared...
What kind of question is that?

A silly one?
I quietly asked.

A very silly one. I will never want to be apart from you.

Me neither, Britt-Britt. Especially not two nights in a row. So where do you want to stay? I think my mom cooked dinner- she usually makes enough for us too.

As much as I love your mom's cooking, how would you feel about an empty house?

I'm intrigued...

Ashley is on some kind of school trip for the whole week, Rory is at Finn, Kurt and Sam's and my parents are out until at least midnight... What do you think?

I'm on my way there now.

She laughed a little at how easy it was to convince me. What can I say? If my girlfriend offers me sweet lady kisses, it'd be rude to say no. We didn't speak for the next couple of minutes, I assumed that we wouldn't until I got to her house, but then she remembered something and made me jump.

Britt! Don't do that!
I'd never sound too angry while talking to her, especially as I wasn't even mad, I was just shocked.

I'm sorry...
I guess I must have sounded somewhat annoyed, regardless of me doing everything in my power not to.

It's okay, Baby. What were you going to say, anyway?

Can you maybe go and get Wilbur... I don't want him to be alone...
Fuck, why is she so adorable? I had actually just pulled up outside her house, but I wouldn't tell her that because then she'd just say to leave it and I know how much she wants that unicorn.

Sure, B.
I started to drive back to my house while she spoke to Lord Tubbington- I swear she forgets that I'm there sometimes.
Alright, Britt, I'm at my house now. I'm going to hang up, and I'll see you in like 15 minutes.

Okay, I love you!

I love you too.

"Is that you, Santana?" My mom called when I opened the door.

"No, it's a psychopath!" I shouted back jokingly.

"Same difference," she laughed a little. I was planning on going straight upstairs to get Wilbur and leaving, but I had to see her after she said that.

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