A World Of Possibilities

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A/N: Hiii!

Firstly, this chapter was really hard to write so I apologise in advance for how shit it is.


TW: Mentions of suicide and eating disorders.

Stay safe :)

Santana's POV:

Last night, Britt and I talked a lot. We spoke about Karofsky, how long I'd known and how I found out. I told her about the person from Sugar's party on Valentine's Day and we spent the whole night talking until we eventually fell asleep at around 4 am, tightly wrapped in each other's embrace.

This whole situation feels too similar. I can't shake the thoughts, the memories. I can't forget the way that I felt when it happened to me, and I can't believe that it's happening to someone else. I don't know why anyone feels the need to share that information, but I wouldn't wish it on anyone. Just the thought that people are capable of that genuinely scares me.

During second period, the whole Senior Year was addressed over the intercom, calling us to the auditorium for some kind of announcement. Britt and I were sat apart in that class so we were sat a few seats apart in the auditorium too.

As we waited for Figgins to begin, we both leaned forward so that we could see each other and tried having a conversation. Of course, talking over people is rude, so we couldn't actually speak.

Are you okay? She asked. People think that we're weird in the way that we always know what the other is thinking. Maybe they're right- it is kind of strange how we're the only ones who can do it, but I wouldn't change anything about it. It's our own secret language, and people need that sometimes.

Yeah. I nodded. Are you?

Yeah. What do you think this is about?

I wish I knew... I let out a sigh.

"Excuse me, students," Figgins started, speaking on the stage with a poorly adjusted microphone- it was too high. One of the AV club kids ran out onto the stage and lowered it for him before disappearing backstage again. "Quiet please," I covered my ears, knowing what was coming next, and noticed a few other people around me doing the same thing. "Shh," he shushed into the microphone, creating a deafening sound. "Thank you." He hesitated for a second. "I'm sure that many of you have recently seen posts about him on your social media, but I am sorry to announce that David Karofsky is currently in the ER after attempting to end his life." I pulled down the sleeves on my (Britt's) Cheerios jacket so that they were covering my hands as some form of comfort and sat back in my chair nervously. Everyone started talking at the same time and it turned into a mumbling sound. I looked around and noticed Kurt and Blaine sat together a few rows back, both of them looking especially sad at the news. Britt too, but she was trying to cover it up by eyeing me carefully. I sent her a small smile in response which she returned. "Quiet please, students," Figgins continued after a few minutes. "I'd like to invite Miss Pillsbury to speak with you about this." He said before leaving the stage awkwardly. It was like he didn't know what to say, but who does when something like this happens?

Miss Pillsbury came onto the stage when he left, and she started talking about suicide and mental health but I couldn't focus. I didn't take in anything that she said, I couldn't. My brain was too preoccupied with thoughts about Karofsky and how alone he must have felt for this to happen. About how lucky I was because I had Britt and what I might have done if I didn't have her. That thought is scary in itself- would I really have felt that hopeless?

After about 30 minutes, she finished speaking and we were allowed to leave. Most of what I heard of her speech was about how things get better and how she's there if any of us are having similar thoughts to the ones Dave had. It was like she was reading from a script, but I don't blame her if she was. Sure, she's a guidance counsellor and is supposedly trained to be able to deal with kids who come to her with suicidal thoughts, but how many people know how to react when one of their former students actually go through with it? There's no training for that.

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