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Emily's POV:

I didn't sleep last night, not that I expected to. All I could think of was Santana and what Brittany said- did Aimee really love me? Was I right to defend her? Should I be putting my happiness over Santana's like I am currently doing? She did risk everything to support me, even in secret, so is this me being ungrateful?

I hate arguing with her. Even when we were kids, our biggest fight was when she put toothpaste in my drink because I kept asking for mint. I don't know what to do.

"Couldn't sleep?" Mari asked as I walked in the kitchen where she was making breakfast. I waited around five minutes after I heard the first person go downstairs to follow them.

"Is it that obvious?" I asked and laughed a little when she nodded. I took a piece of toast from the centre of the table and sighed. "I don't think I should stay, Mari. I feel like I am just making everything worse."

"That's crazy. You and I both know that, no matter what happened yesterday, she will always want you here." When I stayed silent, she sighed. "Why don't we all go out after San finishes school? Just the three of us, well, Britt too if that's what they want. I'm on the earlier shift today, so it would work if you wanted?"

"That sounds nice," I smiled. We continued to speak about my life back at home until we hear footsteps approaching- it was Santana. I smiled a little at her and she did the same.

"Morning," she said and sat beside me.

"Hi Mija. Did Britt not come over last night?" Mari asked.

"No, she did, she's just in the shower." It amazes me how much they trust Brittany and the freedom she has in this house. I mean, she has a key and is confident walking around the house as if it is her own. I guess that's just what happens when you date someone like her- she's so good for San.

"We were talking about maybe going out after school today, what do you think? And, before you ask, Britt can come." We all laughed a little at how Mari already knew what she was going to say.

"That sounds good, I'll ask her later. Thanks Mami,"

"Well I have to head to work now. Tell Brittany I said hi, and have a good day at school- you are going, right?" San nodded so she continued, "Okay, see you later,"

"Bye Mari," I called behind her and did my best to embrace the awkward silence surrounding the two of us who were remaining at the table. I don't think I have ever been more grateful for an interruption.

"Morning," Britt sang as she approached the table. "Hey Babe," she pressed her lips to Santana's cheek and I smiled a little at how rehearsed this seemed. I have only met Aimee's parents once at Christmas, and I had minimal contact with them because I volunteered to cook dinner. "Hi Em,"

"Hey Britt," I'm happy that she doesn't seem mad with me. I guess she was right in confronting me yesterday, and a lot of the things she said make sense. The mood was immediately lifted with Brittany at the table, San was happier too. It was cute how they held hands under the table and thought they were being subtle about it. I can only imagine how obvious they were when they were still closeted. "I should head upstairs and make a start on my college work. See you guys later,"

"Bye Em," they both said in unison before smiling at each other in adoration.

I just smiled at how in love they are before making my way up to the guest bedroom where I was staying. I know that I should be doing my work for college, but something in me is telling me to call Aimee. I haven't spoken to her since telling her I was coming to Lima. Eventually, I had enough of the internal debate and decided to phone her.

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