Coming Out

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Brittany's POV:

The atmosphere in Glee seemed to have changed completely- it was no longer about who was best and the solos we got, it was about coming together as a team and supporting each other. It was nice, I could see that San was enjoying it too, we are so used to Rachel and Finn talking over everyone and making it about them. Now that we get a say too, it is a lot less difficult to be here, me and San both loved it (not that she would ever admit it) because we could perform and the friends we made were genuine, but we also hated the fact that it wasn't in any way equal. I can't count the amount of times that San had wanted to quit but I have stopped her. There were times when I wanted to quit too, but I knew that it was a solid support system and at times we would need that.

Once Glee had finished, me and San made our way home. As we walked to school today, her car was still at my house, so we decided to go back there before going to her house. I can tell that she was grateful for the slight detour.

I am going with her to her house, she hasn't decided if she wants me to come in with her yet, but she needs me now more than ever. If she doesn't want me to come in, I will be waiting in the car ready to drive her back to my house just in case something doesn't go well. I have never really been religious, but I have been praying for everything to go well. Her parents don't really need to accept that she is gay, just be indifferent and love her regardless.

We were walking home from school hand in hand, doing our best to ignore the talk and the looks. We just held on to each other tightly, no one could break us if we had each other. The people who just looked were ok, we could feel them watching and judging us but it could easily be ignored, it was the people who took it a step further who were a problem. Cars would slow down to shout hate at us, one car even threw a drink at us. I am pretty sure that it was that Josh guy who threw the drink. Luckily it didn't hit either of us because they had shit aim, but it was scary nonetheless. 


As we pulled up outside her house, I saw that both of her parents' cars were there which meant that they were home. I felt her tense- we had been holding hands over the middle console while I drove.

"B?" she asked. 

"Yeah, Honey?"

"C-can you come in with me? I-I don't think I can do this on my own. I-I'm so scared. What if they hate me? What if they never want to see me again? I don't think I can live without them, if they hate me I don't know what I will do." 

"Baby, I am here for you every step of the way. I promise you that. I can't tell you what's going to happen when we get in there, I wish I could but sometimes people aren't who you think they are. I know that it isn't the same, but I love you no matter what happens, I am with you, and you are not alone. I love you, Sanny." I tried comforting her. I didn't know how, though. Nothing is for certain, we don't actually know anything until we speak to them. I wish I could look into the future and, if it is bad, stop her. I don't want her getting hurt any more than she already has but I know that this is something I can't control.

"L-let's go, let's get this over with," she sighed. As she was about to get out of the car, I grabbed her wrist and pulled her back for a kiss.

"I'm here for you. I love you."

"I love you too, B." she replied as we approached the front door. She looked at me hesitantly, not knowing whether to use her keys or knock. It's sad how this is her house yet she doesn't feel comfortable enough to use her keys anymore. I shrugged in response because I also didn't know what she should do.

After a few seconds of mental debate, she decided to use her keys. She opened the door and called out for her parents. "Mami? Papi?" Her voice wasn't as strong as it used to be, the fear in her voice was evident and I just wanted to make it all go away. We looked around the house and eventually found them in the kitchen- there was some obvious tension and it looked like they had been arguing.

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