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Santana's POV:

Ever since Rachel and Finn had the genius plan to get married while still in high school, they have been planning as much as they can while working around school, Regionals, college prep and everything else that we have stressing us out.

"I honestly don't know how they're doing it," I said randomly as Britt and I were getting ready.


"Planning a wedding in school time," I shrugged. "Oh wait, I know!" I mocked excitement. "They're doing it by dragging me out of bed on a Sunday at 8 am!" I cheered sarcastically.

"I know you don't want to be up, but we're doing this to support our friends." She told me, thankfully not being offended by my tone.

"I'm sorry I spoke to you like that, I know you're right," I sighed. "I just wish that we could have spent the morning in bed like we usually do on Sundays." She walked up to me and wrapped her arms around my waist from behind, resting her head on my shoulder.

"One week left of school, then we can spend all week in bed if we want,"

"A week is way too long to wait," I turned around so that I was facing her and rolled onto my toes to kiss her. "I love you,"

"I love you too," she smiled and kissed me again. "Now let's go get a free dress and judge the crap out of a load of wedding dresses."

"You're letting me be judgemental?" She nodded. "This might be worth it after all."

"Just be nice,"

"I'm always nice," I protested.

"Come on, we'll get breakfast on the way."


"Okay, everyone, thank you all for coming!" Rachel started when Quinn finally arrived- she was late, but that was probably to be expected as she doesn't really agree with them getting married. I just hope that she doesn't cause any problems, I'm way too tired to deal with that.

"Of course, we wouldn't miss it!" Girl Chang started. "I'm so excited to finally try on my dress!" Does her whole life revolve around dresses and weddings or something? I honestly wouldn't be surprised if she was super traditional and carried salt in her bag to get rid of bad luck; she just seems like that kind of person.

"Well, I thought that we would start with your dresses. Finn and I decided to go with quite a traditional theme, so we decided that your dresses would be-" as she was talking, a worker walked out with a rack full of dresses. Dresses in the devil's colour, and I'm not even talking about red.

"Pink?" I cut her off, eyes wide.

"Santana," Britt and Mercedes said at the same time in a chastising tone.

"But it's pink!" I complained.

"San," Brittany sighed. "Open mind." She reminded, causing me to sigh.

"Are we- Are we good to go?" Rachel asked after I stayed quiet for about a minute.

"Yeah," I nodded. "Sorry."

"Okay, if you all go and try on your dresses then I'm going to make a start on looking for my dress," The group said their okays before going to find the dress that's in their size.

"Pink?" I whispered in Britt's direction, pouting.

"Just put it on, Baby, it might surprise you. Besides, we're the bridesmaids- we don't get a say. You made me watch 27 Dresses-"

"A great film," I added.

"Totally, but that's not my point."

"What is your point?"

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