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Brittany's POV:

It was nice to wake up with San again. Of course we had yesterday, but today we were in a familiar setting this time- one that we know so well. It was such a big step the first time that we made out here. She was so worried that someone would come in, despite knowing that they weren't home, and they wouldn't be for hours. Before, we were limited to my house or her car, but she didn't want to wait that time. She was desperate, and part of me knew that it was a good sign for us. She could have had Puck with a single phone call or text message, but she chose me.

Santana was still asleep- I never like to wake her when she looks so peaceful. It wasn't too early, but I didn't want to move in case it disrupted her. However, Maribel came to the door and I was left with no choice. I carefully slipped out from around her and made my way out of the room to speak with her.

"I'm sorry to bother you, Brittany," I shook my head because she has every right to do what she wants- it's her house. "I was just wondering if you managed to talk to her know, therapy?" I sighed a little, I knew this was coming. I don't want her to be treated like she is weak or can't do anything, not just because of this. Yes, she needs therapy, but it shouldn't be a taboo subject like she is making out- it's just the same as physical treatment.

"She agreed to it-"

"Really?" I nodded, "Thank you so much, Brittany!"

"I don't-" I was hesitant saying this, but I felt like I had to. "I don't want to tell you how to do this-"

"Please do. You know her better than I do these days," I saw her smile falter a little bit and didn't know what to do. Honestly, I do know her better than she does, but I can tell that she feels like she is responsible for what is going on with San.

"That's only because I'm her girlfriend, and you're her mom. Teenagers don't tell their moms anything, believe me, I know." We both laughed a little before returning to the serious topic. "For this to work, it can't seem like a big deal. She knows that she needs help, and she has agreed to it to keep us from worrying, but she doesn't want or need to be treated differently all of a sudden. She is the same person she has always been, she just needs a little help for now." Maribel nodded understandingly.

"But what if something like this happens again because we don't take it seriously?"

"Paying too much attention to it will only make things worse. If you are constantly worrying about what she is eating, or at least vocalising those worries, she will be thinking about it all the time. She will think that it matters more than it does and- well, you know the rest. I don't want her to hurt in the same way you don't, but I can't know what she is thinking all the time. I-" what could I say? "She just needs to know that we love her. This is her path to walk, but she doesn't have to be alone..."

"I-I'll let you get back to her-" she started to walk away and all I could do was sigh.

"You know this isn't your fault, right?" I said and she stopped in her tracks.

"Really? Can you honestly tell me that this has nothing to do with me? That I didn't fail her?"



"I can't tell you that, that's for San to tell you when she is ready. But it wasn't your fault." Was all I said before going back to Santana. I just hope that she didn't wake up while I was gone. When I walked in, she was sat, cross-legged, on her bed. She was facing the door and flipping her phone in her hands. When she saw me, she smiled.

"Hey," she said, gesturing for me to come and sit with her.

"Hi," I smiled and sat beside her. "When- how long have you been awake?"

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