Spin The Bottle

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Brittany's POV:

After San went to comfort Rachel, I decided to go back downstairs to join the party- maybe I could do some damage control with Quinn. Once we walked in on the two, San started freaking out. They both knew that we knew they liked each other and everything, but she was terrified that she made everything worse. We waited around 10 minutes after Q left before we went to Rach's room because we were hoping that Q would see sense and come back. When she didn't, we knew that Rachel was going to be a mess and we had to do something.

I was hesitant at first about letting San go in because I knew that there was a high probability that she would accidentally say something insensitive- it is one of the many things that I love about her (her wittiness) but right now Rachel needed a friend who wouldn't make fun of her. I'm not saying that San would mean anything by it, but it is a hard habit to break.

She convinced me by saying that she knew what Quinn was feeling better than anyone, even Quinn, and that she could help translate her for Rachel. That made sense- Quinn and San are similar the same way that I am similar to Rach, so it would be easier for her to hear it from her. I just hoped that hearing everything from Quinn's perspective doesn't make it worse.

When I got downstairs, Quinn was no where to be seen. I approached Kurt to see if he had seen her but he said that she went home- shit. I was sat down on a chair at the edge of the room, waiting for Santana to come back, when I got roped in for a game of spin the bottle. It was meaningless and it would pass the time so I was sure that San wouldn't mind.

We all sat in a circle with the bottle in the middle. Blaine spun first and it landed on a very drunk Mike. I didn't really know Blaine that well but, from what Santana has said, he seems pretty cool- he has to be if he is dating my unicorn. They both leaned in, laughing slightly, and kissed gently for a bit longer than you would usually be expected to for the game. When they pulled apart they both broke out in an uncontrollable laughter which we all joined in on because their laughs were infectious.

Mike spun next and it landed on Tina. They had been dating since they kissed at Asian camp or something, much to Artie's disappointment. I could tell that he still wasn't over it by the way that he looked away when they deepened the kiss. I know that I'm being a hypocrite because last time San and I did a lot worse, but this PDA was a bit much. They pulled away and there were practically hearts in their eyes- I miss Santana. I may be clingy, but usually it is us being over affectionate and it is weird to not have her by my side at a party.

After they finally snapped out of their love-induced haze, Tina spun the bottle and it landed on Sam. This was weirder than Blaine and Mike because... well it's Sam and Tina. They only kissed for a couple of seconds- which felt much longer- before pulling away with an awkward cough. They were relatively close so kissing each other must have been insanely strange.

Sam pretty much spun it straight away to get away from the awkwardness. It seemed to go on for a while before it stopped on me, then time stopped. San wouldn't mind, would she? I mean I feel nothing towards him and it's just a kiss...

We slowly moved in and eventually our lips crashed together. His lips were quite soft, not as soft as Santana's of course, and his technique wasn't terrible. Overall, it wasn't a bad kiss, but I still wish it was San.

"What the fuck?" I heard a very familiar voice shout over the cheering of our friends. I instantly pulled away from the kiss to see San standing half way down the stairs with Rachel by her side and her eyes watery. To anyone else, she would just look pissed, but I know that she is about to cry.


"No, Brittany, you have fun with your new boyfriend!" Was she really doing this right now?

Broken- BrittanaOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora