Marry Me?

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Brittany's POV:

I woke up this morning with an annoying but unfortunately familiar feeling on my face. I tried to blow it off, hoping that it actually was my hair, but it wouldn't move. Eventually, I'd had enough and I sat up.

"Lord Tubbington!" I whisper-shouted. Santana is still on the phone and, judging by the fact that it isn't even 6 am yet, I'm almost positive that she's not awake. "How many times do I have to tell you not to put your tail near my mouth?" It's annoying how often he does it- does he not understand how unhygienic it is? If I had a tail, I would respect his personal boundaries and not do that! He just turned away from me and curled up on my pillow where I was previously laying. "Really?" He just did his version of nodding, causing me to sigh. "You're lucky that I love you."

"I love you too," Santana mumbled through the phone, and I couldn't help but laugh. I was trying to be quiet because she still has a while of sleep time before she has to wake up, and she'll need it.

"Yeah, I love you, Baby. Now, go back to sleep. You don't have to be awake for another hour and we have school."

"No," she groaned when I mentioned education.

"Just go to sleep, San."

"M'kay. I love you." I'm surprised that she gave up that easily, she never does.

"I love you too," I told her before hanging up. Usually, I would stay on the phone with her until she is fully conscious or we both decide to end the conversation, but I'm going to be getting up now since I was so rudely interrupted, and I don't want to disturb her too. School is hard, especially when she isn't an early riser. "You're mean," I told Lord Tubbington before quietly making my way downstairs.

There's something about being the only one up in the house. It's so quiet, and all the sounds seem to be amplified. I usually love it, but I wasn't the only one awake this time.

"Rory?" I whispered, making him jump.

"Oh, hi, Britt."

"What are you doing?" I asked, sitting across from him at the table where he's sat.

"Just thinkin'," he shrugged. "I can't sleep sometimes. It feels too weird being away from home."

"Is there anything I can do to help? I mean, I know you're magic and I'm just... me, but everyone can use some help sometimes."

"Don't say that, Brittany. Everyone's a little magic, especially you."


"Definitely." He confirmed and I looked away in the way I always do when someone compliments me. "So why are you awake?"

"Tubbs stole my bed," he looked confused for a second before nodding. "I figured I'd just come down and try and study or something." I need to get ahead, or even just on track for graduating. That's one thing that I desperately need to do.

"Well, why don't we study together?" He suggested. "It would be nice to not have to worry about being behind for a bit."

"Okay, cool!" I said happily before trying to find my books.

"Spanish?" He asked, but I shook my head.

"I'm doing okay with that thanks to San. If you want help, I can try. However, she's definitely the one who's better with it, being fluent, and all."

"No, that's okay. How about European Geography?"

"You take that?" He nodded. "Oh, I do History... Math?"

"Sounds good," he smiled. "Britt, do you get this? We did the first bit back home, and then the last bit here- I missed the middle." I looked over to his textbook and saw that he was expanding double brackets.

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