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The chapter everyone was excited for!!
Believe me, it was a big task to write this one.
With exams, and the writer's block, I didn't want to mess this story and surely don't want to disappoint you guys.
So maybe it took me eons, maybe it will again take me time but i assure it would be worth it.

I hope you guys like it.

Kabir Suleyman wasn't someone who cried. Infact,he made others cry and Washma knew that for a fact.

But seeing this broken boy infront of her, it shattered her heart in a million pieces.

"Bir", Washma whispered softly.

Kabir turned and with his red rimmed eyes shouted in frustation, "Do you see what they do? Those two down there did nothing other than bringing me in this world. Just because they are so engrossed in having a worldly life. Just because they want to never diminish their name , they'll do anything. Even crush their son's dream . What do they expect from me. To be silent. Act like a flirt and marry a beautiful blond to showcase everyone. Take everything of the family business to continue the 'legacy'. Make your son a stone, doesn't matter. Just do what freaking mum and Dad say! Because I'm not a son. I'm a pawn in one of their games "

Washma's heart broke and she had nothing to say to console the guy infront of her. The guy who she had grown so comfortable with. Who has been the best company , even if she denies it infront of her friends. Kabir Suleyman made his way into Washma's heart and she let him, unknowingly.

But the realization that dawned on her was nothing compared to the breakdown he was suffering from. And even if she didn't knew what to name the feeling she felt towards this guy, she knew one was constant. Being a friend to him.

So she did what any friend would do.

Washma moved slowly and hesitantly moved her arms around Kabir as he went more taut but she just placed her head on his chest , listening to that thrumming beat of his heart as she encircled her arms around his shoulders, saying nothing.

It was a minute or two, she didn't count but soon she felt two arms wrapping around her waist as they pulled her closer.

Kabir bent his head as he let himself calm down , inhaling the scent of Washma as she stood close to him , breaking all those barriers that stood between them, courtesy of the rules she set up for his player like personality.

"I won't say anything because I feel it's not my place to. ", Washma breathed as she uttered slowly . Kabir was going to object when she started again, "but I'll say one thing that everyone have their fights which they fight in their lives. This one is yours ,Bir. Fight it. Fight it, gracefully. Be the man I know you are.", She broke the hug as she looked deep in his eyes and Kabir felt that she was reading his soul, "I see you,Kabir . And I see the person you are. You're not bad. You're broken . And that's okay . You'll overcome it . "

"I don't think I will ever heal.", Kabir whispered.

"You'll have to. You'll have to heal what hurt you. Otherwise you'll bleed on people who didn't cut you.", Washma spoke softly as if talking to a toddler.

Kabir closed his eyes as a single tear leaked his eye but Washma quickly wiped it as Kabir felt himself loose a shudder by her mere touch .

His soul felt alive .

He opened his eyes to utter something , anything when Washma smiled and spoke ,"to lighten up the mood, because I'm extremely bad person to tackle bad situations, let me quote Monica 'welcome to the real world. It sucks. You're gonna love it ' "

All words died on Kabir's tongue as he saw her  blooming face , smiling so wide as she showed all her pearly white teeth . Kabir looked at the queen who looked regal in the emerald dress she toned. She looked nothing short of ...

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