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"Dang it", Maheen screamed as she punched the tire of her Honda Civic , trying to get it out of the snow layer that has formed around the whole car, thanks to the fall season of Edinburgh.

Dressed in a whole white warm jeans and top ,paired with a baby pink overcoat she thought of the various ways to get her vehicle out in order to drop Adnan to his school.

After a lot of heavy workout, she got her car on the road and as if on queue the door of her house burst open as her five year old ran towards her .

"Adi careful!", She shouted but it was too late as Adnan slipped on the wet snowy porch area.

Shaking her head at her son, she made her way towards him and spoke, "how many times do I've to tell you that no running during winter season!"

"Sorry mum. Next time it won't happen.", Her small koala spoke in his  voice as he held his ears.

Smiling, Maheen ruffled his hairs and made him wear his round Harry Potter glasses that fell off when he had a fall.

"Ready for your first day ?", She asked him in an excited voice.

"It's not my first time going to school. Besides I've heard kindergarten is boringgg.", Adnan spoke making various actions with his hands .

"Whatever big guy. Let's go.", Rolling her eyes at her son, she grabbed his hand as they sauntered towards the car.


"You're no fun you know that right?!", Maheen spoke to Adnan as she saw other kids crying their heart out .

I got a small man instead of a five year old!

She thought .

Adnan smiled at her and replied, "if you want a hug , you can ask mum"

"Oh is that so now huh!", Saying this, she tickled him as he laughed loudly , trying to free himself.

Beside them she saw a man trying to cajole a small girl who was sniffing so badly , as her nose resembled a sweet small tomato.

"My love , Chachu is here only. See it's just for few hours. Besides you'll make friends !", The man tried to sound excited as he spoke.

"I don't want to make friends. I've a best friend and that's you!", The girl sniffed again, wiping her eyes with her sleeve

"Yes but don't you wanna learn something new and exciting?", He tried again.

"You're so talented. You'll teach me ", the girl replied again.

Maheen felt pity for the guy . The girl wasn't ready to let go

She turned to Adnan and bending at his level spoke, " Adi be a sweetheart and go offer that girl a chocolate and a handshake. I'm sure you'll be good friends with her."

"I'm not so sure mum. She's crying not stop.", Adnan scrunched his nose at the little girl.

"Hey buddy! Girls are sensitive okay! If you wanna make friends then go and give her chocolate and console her a little . She's scared. Go be a good lad. And if you wanna stay single your whole life, well then be the bad guy.", Maheen spoke in an authoritive voice.

Although I feel bad guys are the ones who might not be single at ALL!

Shaking her head out of the novels that she read, Maheen eyed her son who sighed and replied, "Alright I'm going"

Saying this ,he moved towards the girl and extending his hand to show a chocolate he spoke, "Hi I think that you're not feeling like going to school but trust me it's one of the most fun place. You'll make friends , lots of them and I hope I'm one of them." Extending his hand he continued, "I'm Adnan"

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