The boys won't know what got them.


"Bryce that's an idea...yes." Principal Simone stated.

"Come on ma'am." Madison urged. "It's a brilliant idea."

The principal sighed in her seat and folded her arms. "It's unique."

"It's motivational." I added looking around at the trophy section. "You see that trophy closet there?"

"Yes. I have eyes." She mused.

I shook my head getting up. "This closet has trophies from boys. Boys who won in sports, boys who won in chess and boys who won in swimming. You see the sequence building up? We have no girls over here. And I wanna change that. We deserve to have a trophy and not only would that showcase a trophy in here but it will outshine you from other schools." Principal Simone arched an eyebrow. I walked over to her seat crouching down and placed my arm around her steering her chair to the trophy section. "Imagine this. Out there there's a young girl dreaming to be something. And what place would be better then a school who empower and support women? A school that shows what it means to be a female and a school that shows a female can be anything a male can be? Welton Academy. That's the school. And it will be because of their wonderful, beautiful and incredibly charismatic Principal who helped build our strengths so we can be better people and leaders out in the world. That we can be strong."

"That's so moving." Madison sniffed. "I feel motivated enough to run a mountain."

"I feel motivated enough to start body building." Sersha announced out of nowhere. "I will beat Arnold Schwarzenegger." I nodded at her putting my fist up.

"Be the woman who helps us." I said to Principal Simone.

"Alright, alright." She surrendered. "I like the idea. I really do. It's genuine and inexpensive. And I think it is time the girls win."

"Yeah!" Madison high-fives me and so does Sersha. "Thank you Principal S."

She nodded as we all clapped. "You are all welcome. You do know that we will have to change the schedule right? That we'll have to delay the beach trip now to squeeze the contest in?"

"Whatever it takes." I smiled proudly. "The beach will be waiting for us don't you worry."

"Fine." Principal Simone nodded. "And I want at least thirty signatures to consolidate this action. Will you guys be able to do it?"

"Yes Ms." Sersha took the paper from her. "I will get the signatures even if it kills me."

If principal Simone was weirded out by us she sure as hell did not show it. "And do the boys know about this?"

"Oh don't sweat about that. They will agree faster then they can shoot."

"Bryce!" Principal Simone scolded.

"I meant shoot hoops Ms. What did you think?"

She blushed and shook her head. "These girls." She muttered. "And Bryce I was meaning to tell you." She eyes Maddie and Sersha then me. Giving the silent communication I stated.

"They can stay." I shrugged. "Nothing bad right?"

She took off her eyeglasses and wiped them on her blouse. "Ms. Lennon has complained about you to me. She says that you disrupt her class far too often and make a circus out of her classes."

"Principal Simone I would just like to say that Bryce has done nothing wrong." Sersha spoke up. "Ms. Lennon just hates her for no reason and pulls a grudge every time she can."

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