"Then you won't."

"It will take a miracle to not dial in maths."

I rolled my eyes pointing my spoon to me. "I am the miracle. I shall help you conquer your grades."

"Really?" Aaron asked looking at me. "You would do that for me?"

"Actually I've done that for many people so don't feel special and plus it's tutoring not giving you the whole world."

"You are mean." He flicked my nose.

I only give him an innocent shrug. "At least I'm gracious." I take a gigantic bite of ice cream and swallow before speaking, nearly witching at the brain freeze. "We will smash this exam."

"Call it a test." Aaron urged me.

"What's the difference?" I ask giving him his spoon and nudging him to eat.

"A test is a small thing. An exam is life threatening." He said dramatically.

"If that gets you the mindset." I shrugged with a laugh. "I can help you today if you want. We can start with whatever subject you need help with."

"The first test is a week away. Right now I just want to watch a movie with you wearing this irritating concoction." He muttered as his face started to harden.

"Aww don't you just make a lot of sacrifices." I cooed. "Your bad boy reputation must be turning incredibly soft."

"Please." He scoffed and the looked at me with a smile. "Only for you though." He pulled me close so my head rested in his lap with the tub of ice cream on my stomach as I ate.

"You know you still owe me those secrets." I pointed at him.

He nodded running a hand through my hair. "And I will give them to you tomorrow. Right now I just want to hold you and let it all flow."

"Wise words." I said pushing a spoon of ice cream to his mouth. He took it gladly. "So what movie are we going to watch?"

"Whatever one you want."

I thought about it and chose one that both of us would enjoy. "James Bond?"

"A girl after my own heart." He laughed knowing how much we both preferred action movies. "I can cook dinner if you like?"

"What's on the menu?"

"How about pasta carbonara? My speciality." He told me quickly checking if we had the ingredients. After we did I agreed with him knowing his food tasted really good though mine was better. "You know my mom called today. She wanted to meet you."

I furrows my eyebrows but failed at the hardened mask. "How'd she find out?"

"Emery Sinclair." Aaron answered with a sigh as I sat up on his lap. "She told my mother and now my mother thinks I have a girlfriend and she wants to meet you."

I felt myself go cold. "Meet your parents? Damn. That's big." I muttered. "And Christmas is so close. So basically we fake our relationship over there too?"

Something in Aaron's demeanour shifted but he nodded. "Yeah I suppose." He said. "You'll meet the whole crew there."

"And Harley." I pointed out. I was excited to meet the dog more then anyone else. I had my priorities in line.

"And Harley." He agreed. "Our parents will eventually have to meet too."

I shifted off of his lap and looked at him. "Aaron don't you think we are going a little too far with this dating play thing? Like what's going to happen when we end it? It's going to be brutal at that point. I feel like we just keep lying to everyone." I told him skeptically. "Maybe we should just break it to Emery and Liam."

"No." He said quickly. "We should just wait till Christmas. Then we'll come to a decision. That'd be the best time."

"After my mother's wedding?" I exclaimed. "She'll be beyond crushed."

"We'll do it on good terms. Don't worry." Aaron nodded swallowing. "We will say we were better as...friends." My whole heart felt heavy. But I kept my mask up at his words. In a metamorphic way I meant.

"Okay. Yeah." I managed siting down and pulling my feet from under me. I pulled the tub of ice cream to me and nodded against. "We pretend to break up in good terms. Good idea." I smiled at him. He nodded with  one of his too.

"Yeah." He said confidently. "I'll put the movie on."

"I need to wash my face." I got up towards the bathroom and locked the door behind me as I stared in the mirror and swallowed. What was wrong with me?

We were breaking up so what? We were never dating anyway. We both established that in London. So why was I so indecisive?


I opened the water tap letting it gush and washing my face angrily with it. I rubbed and rubbed watching the water turn the color pink as the residue of the mask finally left my face and I swallowed rolling my lips in.

I did not want to break up with him. But it seemed he did not feel keen to hold the same thought as me. I just had to live with that.

Or maybe when I had the courage I would change his mind.

Always AaronWhere stories live. Discover now