Well, f*ck that. I'd rather let these boys punch each other's faces...!

But having said that, it would be a morally better choice to do something even if it's just a tiny contribution, rather than letting this continue, right? There exists, my responsibility too, after all. Not to mention, Aiden has been placed into a disadvantageous position due to this opportunity.

Nonetheless, it would be interesting to keep up this drama for the meantime, so let us spectate for now, shall we? It could've been more enjoyable if I had popcorn and cinema glasses, though.

I'd care less no matter how others would treat me badly after picking this rotten decision of mine, if ever they have managed to peek into my thoughts.

With that in mind, I blatantly gazed at them as I swore to hide my expressions with a poker face over the next turns of events that were to happen, doing nothing despite being right next to themselves.

"I am precisely aware that I've trespassed my bounds for letting milady bow before someone as a mere personal bodyguard as me. But even then, I don't think that an unruly young master that simply jumps into conclusions like you should have the right to say that.", Aiden continued the fight with a sarcastic smirk, leading Lucian to get infuriated further at his rudeness.

It was then that a deathly gaze struck down the unyielding opposition of the juvenile from the Faremanne Family.

"You... Are you picking up a fight with me?"

"That was my intention from the start, you piss."

The answer came in an instant, proving that he was being serious about what he muttered of.

And there, in the middle of that, I was reactionless, praising the intensity of the very situation using the screams of my heart. It seemed like the fiery battle fortunately made the duo somehow forget of my existence in this room, which I totally appreciated or welcomed with open arms.

Additionally, I'd rate my Aiden's last reply with a ten out of ten. It was pretty refreshing for me to hear too, specially because the opponent was that Lucian, whom I still bore ill-will toward in many ways.

The young master gritted his teeth at the insult and dragged the little bodyguard's shirt upwards with his left hand, as though he was preparing to give him a beating.

"Go ahead and punch me if you want. Just like what you did to Lady Melissa, last time...!!"

The phrase that came out from the lips of the young man with the purple-colored irises, slowly made me realize what made him retaliate like this, from the start. That's all it took for me to understand his objective here as I widened my eyes to some extent.

And before my bastard brother could strike a fist on Aiden's handsome face, I leapt toward his direction with a clenched hand set with propriety.


I avoided the potential danger that could've disfigured my loveable, personal bodyguard's profile by launching a serious and hurtful blow on Lucian's left cheek, pushing him down the floor because of the impact.

Confused, the fifteen-year-old male with a dark brown hair was enveloped with astonishment, touching the part that I directly punched despite the tremble on his whole, left arm.


I briefly smiled ironically at the way he brokenly uttered my name, seeing how predictable the reaction was on his demeanor.

Unfortunately, he didn't notice how I even surprised myself to have done the same punch on the same cheek as the time that he did that to me by the greenhouse where I was once invited by him, instinctively.

I Promise, I'll Leave! But, With No Regrets!!Where stories live. Discover now