There was a small lizard chain that was draped around his neck, falling down to his collarbone, resting in the valley of his muscles. His long purple hair hung down over his shoulders in a messy braid, but his bangs covered his face as he kept his head down and his eyes closed.

Hart and all of his men were dressed in their usual suits, with their expensive jewelry... and of course equipped with their guns and their holsters.

Hart stood in the middle, he had his hands in his pockets. Y/n was on his right, gently wrapping her hand around his arm, holding on to him closely, looking at this other gang, she could tell that they were definitely more powerful than Hart.

The tall man in the middle was the first to break the tension, he made his way over to Hart, opening his arms and taking Hart into his arms, squeezing him. "You damn bastard, It's been too long since we have last seen each other, you need to stop disappearing on me.''

Hart lowly chuckled as he pulled the man in for a hug, roughly patting his back. "I could say the same for you Dashan, you bastard, texting and calling works both ways you prick.'' 

Hart and Dashan were smiling and joking, Y/n didn't think that this side of Hart was to ever exist, he always seemed like he was against anything that was to do with friends. Jack nudged y/n to snap her out of her thoughts, she looked up and saw the tall man looking down at her. 

His eyes were so kind and sweet, they glimmered like emeralds, they made her feel safe, his eyes were enough to shield off any type of evil. He had soft facial expressions, the small sweet smile made him look like he was the kid who helped an old lady take in her groceries, not a gang leader who killed people. 

"Pleasure to meet you.. my names Y/n. Y/n L/n.'' He nodded, gently taking her hand into his, planting a small kiss on her knuckles, brushing the spot with his thumb afterward.

"Hello Ms y/n. My name is Dashan, Dashan Wang. It's a pleasure to meet you.'' Y/n was surprised that he wanted her to know his first name, she had just figured everyone was like Hart.

"This is my fiance Mei Mei, this is Chiyun and Chaoxin. I am very happy to meet you Y/n. Anyway Hart shall we get down to business.'' "Yes Dashan, right this way.''

Everyone made their way into poker room, closing the door behind them, left standing was Y/n and Mei Mei.

The girl turned to Y/n with a wide smile. "Hello Y/n! It's nice to finally have a girl to talk to while the boys hold their meetings, so why don't we have a drink and chat? Until the boys need us?''

Y/n was taken back by her friendliness, she didn't expect a mafia bosses fiance to be so nice and welcoming.

She was so spry and spunky, there was no way that she could ever pull the trigger to the gun in her pocket.

"Sure, what kinda drink would you like? I can have Dalia help make it.'' "I'll take a regular Margarita with 2 shots of raspberry.'' Y/n nodded, telling Dalia.

Her and Mei Mei made their way to the back patio, y/n turned on the back lights. The girls sat down at the table as Dalia brought them their drinks, they both nodded and Dalia headed inside.

"So Y/n when did you meet Hart? Cause last time we were all here there was no sign that he had a girlfriend or even that he was talking to someone.''

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