I place my face in the crook of his shoulders. "I'm sorry. For blaming you."

"You did nothing wrong." He said pulling back and cupping my face. "I should have been more thoughtful. From now on I'll be better. I promise. I won't lose you. Not again." He states and I give him a soft smile.

You never did was what I wanted to tell him but instead I simply say, "We both made mistakes. And now we have a chance to fix them so make it count." After a few minutes of him plopping me down and cuddling me like a bear I managed to finally pull away and put on my clothing before running to my room to go for a shower and change of outfits.


Louis munched on her cereal grumpily. "I don't understand how they can't say anything back." She grounded for the umpteenth time. "I mean how?"

I sigh looking up at her. Patience. "They will come. Just relax and focus on the now."

"Focus my ass." She muttered hotly. "You know what? I don't care!"

I raise my eyebrows at her at which she shrugged. "I really don't care." She announced again before getting off her stool and grabbing her keys walking to the front door.

"Where are you going?" I shot out after her.

"To the supermarket. We ran out of eggs." She replied walking out and shutting the door behind her. I let out a worried exhale.

She will be okay.

She always was.

Aaron walked down the stairs with a grin and plopped on the seat next to me. "Aren't you just full of sunlight."

I roll my eyes at him crunching on the cereal. "Aren't you just a morning bird on cloud nine."

He let out a laugh pouring milk on his cereal. "Thanks to you." He whispered kissing the space between my jaw and ear.

I suppressed a smile clicking on my phone and checking my messages before a reminder popped in my head. "I have to visit Miles today!" I slap a hand against my forehead in remembrance. I look back at my phone. "And in the afternoon at that too."

"Want me to come with you?" He asked peering at my anxious face.

"That's not a useful question. You're coming with me anyway." I mass out the words like the tension on my body. "Plus if he gets anything close to defensive you can cut in and do a masculinity clash."

Aaron rolled his eyes at me. "I'm glad to think of my masculinity as my only good feature to save you."

I stuck my tongue at him bringing one leg on the wooden stool. "This is the last week and then back to Welton." I sigh looking around the place. "It's a little shitty don't you think that no matter what complication or catastrophic event happens you are always, always deemed back to go back and study and study and study. And that till 24 or higher as well. Like why not have us study for one specific thing of our choosing? What is algebra going to help me with?" I ramble angrily. I honestly hate school. Half of my self confidence, anxiety, stress and depression came from fucking school.

"Life's fucked up that way." Aaron grimaces. "Honestly what is fair now a days? But at least you have something not a lot of people are able to find."


"Great friends." He mused. I smiled knowing it was honest. I mean if it wasn't for them I would never have survived the Academy.

And that was a plain on fact.


Getting out the car felt like I was walking towards a volcano. One that might explode not only on me but unleash its lava to others as well.

Always AaronWhere stories live. Discover now