Chapter 57

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(this song is the "credit song" for this series, in a way, since this is the last official chapter - don't worry, though, there's still an epilogue and a bonus chapter coming~)

Ava Paige had done a thorough job of preparing this new life for us. Minho is right, it quickly shapes up to look like the Glade. There are some solar panels, but our electricity is limited. We also don't have a box that brings us supplies this time, but there was enough stocked that we'll be alright until we can figure out our own resources.

It won't be easy, but we can do it.

As for me, I manage to hold on.

Within a short period of time us Immunes have created a system of government. I mostly watch Thomas and Minho lead. I've become a different person, and I spend most of my time alone with Greenbean.

I can't handle fire, either. Every time I smell smoke it reminds me painfully vividly of the fire on the overpass, of Newt's final moments. I've lost my last crutch, but I can't afford to crumble. Greenie needs me, and he quickly bonds to me. The only people he likes other than me are Thomas, Minho, Jorge, and Brenda. Frypan tries to watch him at one point, but it ends with Greenie crying and Frypan panicking. Clint is better with the infant, but only marginally.

Jorge often ends up watching Greenbean, becoming a grandfather of sorts, even though he's not that old. I do odd jobs, but I don't fit into the life as seamlessly as the others. I can't function as reliably as they can. I've given all of my abilities to surviving, and now I am a shell.

Sometimes I feel useless. When winter comes, I can't sleep in the house structure I was staying in because the burning fire gives me constant nightmares. Minho builds a separate house with a less-visible fire for heat, and I stay with him there.

He's good with Greenie, and the most comforting person I have. Thomas supports me as well, but Minho is remarkably patient with my panic attacks and flashbacks.

He never expects me to heal any faster than I do, and patiently gives me time. I cry myself to sleep on his chest, and he never complains.

When I tell him how Newt died, he goes into the woods for a full day and comes back doubly resolved to protect me. I know that knowing what happened hurts him, but he's anything but a quitter.

I still struggle without Newt. It's a constant thought in my head that he would be better at all of this. I'm the second-best, and I wish he could have been the one to make it through. I'm not the only one who wishes they could have traded places with him.

But we all make do. Part of our supplies was a crate of books on how to survive, how people used to live off of the land. It's a challenge, but we all work hard. If we can't survive, no one will. It's our job to keep humanity alive.

I miss them all – Chuck and Alby, Toby and Zeke – but I have to stay in the present, for Greenbean, and for Minho.

We all work together, and my heart slowly heals.

A/N: Y'all want me to post the epilogue?? Are you ready for the last thing? (Just kidding, there's a bonus chapter coming after the epilogue)

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