Chapter 27

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I realize how little time I've truly spent with Newt when I find him. I know him as well as I could since I've only known him for a few months, but ultimately I haven't had a chance to learn much about him.

Apparently, Newt stress bakes. I had no idea that was how he copes with emotions, but he's clearly done this before.

I lean against the doorway of the Berg's small kitchen and watch him as he searches through cupboards for flour. He notices me after a minute; moments after finding his quarry. His lips quirk in a half smile, and he nods at me.

"Can I help?" I ask, and his smile grows.

"Sure. Come on." He turns back to the counter with his bag of flour, and I practically throw myself at him, hugging him tightly from behind.

He chuckles. "Didn't know you'd miss me so much after five minutes."

"I've hardly seen you for weeks," I mumble into his shirt. I've missed him terribly, and it feels like an eternity ago that WICKED faked his death.

"Yeah. Well, we're here now. Go find me some sugar, alright? I think it's in the cupboard by the sink."

It hits me as I start looking for the sugar that he's trying to make a memory with me. He's trying to make the best use possible of the time we're running out of.

And, maybe, this is how he wants to talk.

"WICKED really keeps these things outfitted, don't they?" I ask, putting the sugar next to the flour.

Newt shakes his head. "Not really. I mean, the world is in a crisis, but couldn't they at least have cocoa powder?"

I laugh, and he looks up at me as if he just achieved something wonderful.

"What? Don't you respect the cocoa powder?" he teases. I love the expression in his eyes. I love the playfulness in his voice. I love his accent and the way he's pulled his hair back out of the way. And... he's advancing on me, walking forward until my back hits the counter and his lips meet mine.

I put my arms around his neck, smiling as he pulls back slightly. His eyes are closed as if he's trying to memorize this feeling. Then his eyes snap open, and he smirks at me.

"There's something on your nose, Ash."


He grabs a pinch of flour and smudges it on my nose. "Right there."


His laughter is so genuine I feel like it encompasses the world.

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