Chapter 19

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I start hunting through the Homestead, trying to find something useful. I need to break out of this place and get my hands on a weapon. I can remember where some weapon stores are in WICKED, and there doesn't seem to be anyone monitoring the Maze – aside from whoever has that beetle blade following me.

Is WICKED shortstaffed? It seems like they might be, and I hope they are. That will make escape easier.

If I bring a shovel I can maybe break through the glass windows... but I'd like to have something that's more of a weapon, as well. I force my way into the battered kitchen. We'd stripped it of its knives, but there might be matches. I had taken the main box when I originally left, but I find a small folding pack in the drawer.

I may not have a plan yet, but I feel better now that I have a couple matches. I need something flammable...

My eye catches on something near a smear of blood, and my curiosity pricks. A knife. One of the boys who stayed behind must have snuck a knife out to protect himself with.

I have fire, and I have a weapon.

Newt's song plays in my heart as I swing past the Bloodhouse to grab a shovel. Is it the same one I used to dig up Minho's ghastly attempt at moonshine? Is it the one Gally used to knock me out when the Grievers were coming?

I'm ready to leave this place, the ghosts of everything that had happened are getting too thick for me to see.

The memory of Minho's concoction sticks in my mind, though, and on a whim I go to the back of the barn. A minute of digging uncovers the crate, and there's a bottle of liquid inside of it. Minho must have started another batch. I want to test it, but I don't want to use one of my matches. I'll just hope that he did a better job making alcohol this time.

I stuff the bottle and the knife into a Runner's pack I find, and, after a moment's consideration, leave the shovel behind. I don't think I can break the windows, I'll have to try to get out the door instead.

The beetle blade follows me to the edge of the Maze, and then shuts down.

Whoever is controlling it has something else they need to do, and I'm sickeningly suspicious of what it is.

When I watch the world burn, all I think about is you...

A Griever moans from the direction of the Cliff.

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