Chapter 52

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(THG fansongs are the best~)

"You ready?"

I glance up at Thomas. The Berg just landed, and it's our turn now. Our turn to save people, even if the person we cared about most is gone. Our turn to fight, our turn to risk ourselves.

"I guess," I answer. My heart is too heavy to feel much, but I let Thomas help pull me to my feet.

Lawrence opens the gangplank for us.

"Good luck, you two," he says, but I ignore him. Too many people have wished me luck. It doesn't change anything.

"Thanks," Thomas says, his voice nervous. We only have one shot at this, of course he's scared. I'm too empty to be bothered.

We step out into the clearing and prepare to hike towards WICKED. There are trees all around us, and I can hear birds loudly declaring their territory. It's eerie to be in a place this alive.

As we trudge towards WICKED through the forest, I realize something.

Newt left his hair long because he was never free, and that's what killed him. WICKED really did kill him in every single way. If he hadn't fallen I might have been able to save him, at least for a while. But no. He was trapped, and that's why he died.

I'm clenching my fists. I can't wait to make them pay.

"You can set both of the devices, right Thomas?" I ask.

He nods. "Yep. Go get the Immunes out, okay?"

We've almost gotten to WICKED, I notice. I really must have been distracted by my thoughts.

I nod and turn to him. "See you in there, Tommy."

He gives me a stricken look at Newt's nickname for him, and we hug each other tightly. A minute of silent comfort passes, and then we slowly let go of each other.

"See you," he whispers, and we split paths.

He heads towards the front door, the main entrance on the open, sandy side of WICKED. I skulk through the woods instead, like a knife in the dark, an assassin planted to rip them apart from within.

The rooftop entrance I remember is accessible from a ladder towards the back of the compound. I scale it as quickly as possible, hoping that they don't have cameras in this section. Luckily enough, the trapdoor isn't locked, and I find myself easily slipping into the passages of WICKED.

I grasp the map in my mind. I need to work my way across WICKED without getting caught. Once I've reached the Maze I'll help the Immunes get out, if they're inside like I suspect. Then I'll help the Right Arm by attacking WICKED from the back of the battle that will have begun.

Don't get caught.

With my knife held loosely in my hand, I walk at a pace that borders on a jog. I want to run, but I need to be as efficient and subtle as I can. There's hardly anyone around, strangely enough, but I can't afford to be caught.

It's not until several minutes have passed that I hear footsteps. I fluidly hide in a side passage, listening to the voices as they pass.

"Subject A2 is really back? I didn't believe Janson when he said he'd come."

"He is. But we don't trust him, so we need to get him into surgery now. It's time we get a close look at that brain of his. Maybe we can replicate his killzone if we have samples to draw from."

The other person laughs as their voices start to fade. "It's funny how simple removing a child's brain sounds."

Worry claws at my gut, but I suppress it. I have to trust Thomas to take care of himself. I can't go and protect him at the risk of both of our missions.

He'll be fine.

I hope.

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