Chapter 10

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I've never seen Newt this emotional. He's visibly shaking, even though most of the room is between us. Minho is shocked as well, but he's the first to recover. He runs towards Newt as the guard pushes him into the room and shuts the door.

Seeing Minho engulf him in a hug reminds me of how badly I miss Newt's touch, and then I'm running, too. I've missed him. Oh, how I've missed him.

Minho grudgingly lets go so that I can get a hug, too, and I latch myself onto Newt. I'm crying and he's crying and we're kissing and I can't tell which of us is shaking worse.

"I thought you were dead," he mumbles as he continues to pepper kisses over my mouth.

"I was dead?" I ask, pulling away enough to give him a confused look. "I saw them kill you."

Newt closes his eyes for a moment, as if regaining control over his anger. "Damn bastards. They tricked us both." He laughs, the sound grating and furious.

I shiver again. I really hate WICKED. They can control our minds enough to make us see things that didn't even happen...

Newt is looking at Minho, and he frowns deeply. "What happened to you, Min?"

Minho sighs, and I know he's going to say it instead of avoid the question like he has whenever I've asked. His hand awkwardly snakes up to rub one of the many bruises on his arm as he looks away.

"They drag me out every morning into a room with a kid. I think he's only ten or so, younger than Chuck was. I get to choose whether they hurt him or hurt me."

"They what?" Newt growls. "I really, really want to kill them."

"That makes three of us," I mutter.

Minho takes a deep breath. "Well, we don't have much left to lose. Let's show these suckers what Gladers are made of."

I'm not sure it's a good thing that the three of us are broken beyond hope. It will keep us safe, but at what cost? We'll survive; survive to live an empty life.

Maybe Minho is right, though, and we can cause some mayhem as we die.

I'm tired and overwhelmed, so I just take Newt's hand and tug him towards the bunk I've been using. I've missed sleeping with my clingy octopus of a boy.

It occurs to me as I'm falling asleep, relaxing for the first time in days, that I should tell him about Sonya. I hadn't bothered telling the girl about him, since I thought he was dead and didn't want to upset her when it didn't really matter.

Well, that will wait for later, I'm sure.

A/N: I just love watching Ash make obviously flawed or poor decisions... yep... fun times... 

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