Chapter 43

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(song (explicit)~)

After breakfast, I approach Gally. "Can I light something on fire?"

He stares at me for half a minute, then shrugs. "Go ahead."

I still have a few matches in my pocket, even though they've gotten really battered. The warehouse is big enough that I don't think the smoke will be a problem, so I stay inside as I light a small piece of wood from a shipping pallet on fire.

Burning my dreams, burning my world. I'll think of him when the world burns. That's all I can do, but it's a promise I can keep. As my world catches flame and falls to pieces, I'll at least hold on to his memory.

I can sense the Right Arm members around me watching curiously, but I keep my face frozen as I stare at the flame. They can't be allowed to see my weakness. Not if I'm to lead them against WICKED. Not if we're to win this pointless war.

I slept past Toby's departure, and I miss the stern guard. I want to talk to him, figure out my place in this baffling pack. I need something to focus on.

"Ash!" I look up at Vince's voice. "Finish up and come talk to me. It's time we discussed our plan for WICKED."

I put out the fire, slightly disappointed at having been interrupted, and head towards his office.

"What's up, chief?" I ask.

He chuckles at the name. "We've been collecting 'Munies. We're going to sell a batch of them to WICKED so they can be our inside men, in a way. They will plant a device that dismantles all of the electronic workings of the weapons in the nearby area. Without their Launchers and guns, we'll be able to overpower the WICKED guards. Someone will also set a bomb and blow open the external wall of their fortress so we can enter more easily."

"I can definitely help you. I'm pretty sure WICKED just wants me dead at this point, so I can't be useful if you send me in, but I do know almost every path in that building with perfect accuracy."

His eyebrows rise. "Really?"

"Absolutely. I never forget maps. Here, do you want me to sketch it out for you?"

Vince nods, his eyes eager even though his movements are still casual. "Use this."

He pushes a piece of paper and a pencil into my hands, and I start sketching the straight lines. Now that I know where the Maze is in relation to the rest of the compound, my understanding of WICKED is pretty much complete. I mark every path and every room, mentioning various features I remember such as containment-level doors.

I don't know where Group B's Maze is, but I have the rest of it.

I'm back to chasing thoughts away with distraction. Right now, I can only afford to focus on the Right Arm, on our plan. At least, that's what I tell myself.

But my hands behave almost without my permission, beginning to fill in the section I have blocked out for the Maze. I don't draw the walls, but instead I write their names. Ben. Dave. Alby. Chuck. Winston. Name after name, the Gladers who died as I carried on.

Finally, I'm almost done. I take a breath, and write three more words.

Newt and Ash.

I may still be alive, but I have no plans to survive. Besides, I know that I've been losing parts of myself for as long as I've been in this world. Payton died in WICKED, and maybe Ash will, too.

Vince thanks me for my work and I leave him pouring over the map. As I leave his office, a familiar voice calls to me.

"Hey, Ash, come here and meet someone." Toby is standing next to another boy about his age. He's less stern than Toby, and rather lanky. His hair is black and his skin is dark, accenting his golden earring and friendly smile.

"I'm Zeke," the boy says, sticking his hand out. I shake it. "You're quite the runner, Ash. It was my job to keep track of you until I traded off with Gally."

"How didn't I notice you?"

Zeke shrugs. "You weren't really paying attention, I guess. It reminded me of some guys I've seen who sacrifice themselves recklessly because they don't care anymore."

I chuckle. "Can't imagine why."

Toby gives me an expression that I assume he thinks is a smile. Clearly he caught my sarcasm, although I'm not sure Zeke did.

"Are you sore?" Toby asks, and I tip my head thoughtfully.

"I can feel it, but I've had worse. My first day as a Runner back in WICKED was merciless."

Zeke whistles. "Do they train all Immunes to run like that? Because if so, we'll have some more problems on our hands. At least, if it's true that they can control their subjects."

I shake my head. "Only a few were Runners, and their control over us wasn't ever that precise. I don't think we have to worry about Immunes when we attack them. They're more likely to help us than anything else."

"How aren't you sore?" Toby says, clearly still stuck on my words. "Your hands are scabbed from how much you trained."

I glance down and see that he's right. My knuckles are in pretty bad shape. I shrug.

Zeke laughs. "She's a tough one. Come on, Ash, let's go make some trouble in this town. I'll teach you how to blow up cars!"

My mouth drops open slightly. "That was you?" I remember the sensation of the car being flung beneath me. It hadn't been the most pleasant sensation when unable to see and tied up.

"Yep. It's really fun, actually. You should come!"

Toby rolls his eyes. "You're going to get in trouble one of these days, Zeke."

"Which is why you're going to come along and make sure nothing goes wrong, right Four?"

"Fine. Ash, you coming?"

"I guess." I want to see more of the city, and hopefully run into my friends. Zeke throws his arm around my shoulder in his cheerful way, and we stroll into the city. It's hard to be afraid with them, and it's easier to forget the things I'm running from.

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