Chapter 14

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They call my name in the very first surgery room. My friends are staring at me intensely, waiting to see what I'll do. I meet their eyes unflinchingly.

Then I step into the small room with the others who were called. Despite my show of bravado, my hands are clammy and I feel weak. How long will it be before one of the white-coated doctors standing in the room is poking around inside my skull?

There's a surgery table ready for each of us, and I sit on mine at the direction of the doctor who has been assigned to me.

"Ashley, right?" she asks, and I nod. She seems nice, and I can't help but think it's a strange twist of fate for a WICKED doctor to be kind.

When she puts an oxygen tube in my nose and is working on getting an IV in my arm, I start to panic more blatantly. I don't want to be here. I don't want to be separated from my friends, doing what WICKED wants.

But I have to. Come on, Ash, I think. Hold yourself together.

Hold yourself together when your world is falling apart. When Newt is dying. When WICKED still holds all the cards. Hold yourself together so that you can change something in this black, black world, so you can make a difference and get your friends out.

"I'm going to anesthetize you now," the doctor says, and I close my eyes, fighting my terror. Wait for me, Newt, I think desperately.

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