Chapter 22

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(I adore this song~)

My heart is pounding so hard it feels like it's shaking my entire body. I'm doing it. I'm defying WICKED, fighting back. I don't know if it's more terrifying or exhilarating.

I have a choice in front of me, and I hesitate for a moment. I could search the rooms most likely to hold Newt and the others, or I could try and hit WICKED where it will hurt the most. I need to decide what my priorities are, and I don't have time for uncertainty.

Can I choose both? Can I look for Newt while ripping WICKED apart from inside?

Internally, I know I've already decided, and regret gnaws at me. I clench my jaw until it aches as much as my sore muscles and keep running. If I find him, I'll do the best I can to protect him. But until that happens, I have a job to do.

"I'm sorry," I mutter under my breath. I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry.

I round a corner and see two guards coming towards me. They start to lift their Launchers, but I'm faster with the pistol. Safety off. Pull the trigger.

The gun recoils, and one of the guards cries out, grabbing his arm. Not a fatal shot. I need to do better. I need to be faster, be more. WICKED needs to fear me.

I fire again and again into the two men. The one I had hit first tried to run as his companion fired one of the strange electric grenades at me from his Launcher, but it missed and I didn't flinch.

They die in puddles of their own blood. I'm shaking and crying and so angry.

It's not my fault.

I'm a child.

It's not me.

Is it?

I empty the pistol of bullets, even after the guards stop moving.

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