Chapter 11

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I wake up to guards coming through and collecting us, Newt stirring at the barked orders. We're all going somewhere. A meeting, they say. Newt and Minho walk beside me. I know we'd rather die than be forcibly separated again.

They take us further into WICKED this time, and I memorize the paths we take. It's not much, but better than nothing. The guards deposit us in some sort of lecture room, a stage area surrounded by rows of movable chairs.

The carpet is patterned and red, and I stare at it. Something is happening. The guards stay outside, and I wonder why we're here. Not to be killed, surely. Not on carpet like this when they could have shot us in the tile hall outside.

Another door opens, and Rat Man enters, Thomas at his heels. Thomas.

Newt, Minho, and I immediately start towards him. He looks terribly lonely, although not as bad as Newt did earlier today when he was returned to us.

"I almost missed you, shank," I say as I casually hug him.

"What did they do to you?" Minho asks.

"They just abandoned me in some cell the entire time. I nearly died of boredom. They said it was Phase Three, what did they do to you?"

Newt and I exchange glances, but before we can explain we hear someone loudly clear their throat.

Rat Man stands up at the front of the room, and I take a deep breath to brace myself. Now we get to hear what is really happening, and all of my misgivings writhe in my stomach.

He clears his throat again. "Please have a seat; there are a few things we should go over before we restore your memories."

Our... memories? I freeze as if my joints were made of welded steel. The memories I have already gotten back drove me to hate WICKED. How could they think returning the rest is a good idea?

Rat Man laughs, clearly enjoying our shocked reaction, and I'm able to move again. I sit between Newt and Minho in a section of chairs a few rows away from the stage but towards the center. My heart is pounding so hard I can feel it vibrating all the way through me.

"Yes," Rat Man says, "we're returning them. Every single memory. Maybe then you'll understand why we did what we did."

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