Chapter 37

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(a heartbreaking song to set the mood~)

The parting is awful. Newt, level-headed as always, asks to leave a note for the others. He scrawls it on a yellow piece of paper from his journal: a message that they're taking him to the Crank Palace, that I've been taken, too, and not to look for either of us. The men had only told him to say not to look for me, but he doesn't want them finding him, either.

Newt tucks his journal into his belt.

Then he solemnly turns to me, as if to say goodbye. I'm restrained by both of the lackeys. Apparently they see me as more dangerous than the Crank who is staring at me with a sorrow and reproach so deep I can hardly meet his eyes.

"I'm sorry," I say, trying to move forward, to say goodbye to him.

"Move out," the leader says, and before either of us can say more we're being dragged out of the Berg.

"Wait!" I struggle against the men that are still holding me and try to get to Newt. I need to tell him goodbye. Shuck, I at least should get a hug, right?

Newt is being held back by the third man, but he doesn't even try to get near me. He just keeps staring with those sad eyes. I'm furious at him for not fighting for me, but I understand him too well to hate him for it. I broke his trust. I wasn't able to do the one thing he asked of me.

"Wait," I gasp again, tears streaming down my face. I get a hand free and reach for him. His eyes snap to it, and he slowly reaches out with his hand that isn't restrained, closing the gap between us. Before his fingers can even brush mine, though, one of the men holding me back pushes a cloth bag over my head.

I'm disoriented and lost and I can't tell if Newt was able to touch my hand or not. I'm thrown over someone's shoulder and carried away. I scream and fight, hating them for taking away my ability to see him in the last moments I have in his presence.

When I finally surrender into sobbing submission, I can hear one of the men laughing.

"You sure she's the Immune?"

"Not by half. We'd better get her tested."

"I don't think she'll behave for the testing," the other man laughs.

"Of course not. Man, I'm jealous of Brian. He's got the calm one. Took the test like a champ."

Newt is still in sight? I start struggling again, and one of them slams my head against something hard. The top of a car, maybe? I numbly stop moving.

"Just take her blood, that will be enough."

"From her neck? She might bleed out if she struggles too much and I insert the needle wrong."

"Too bad for her, then. Hear that, girl? Hold still."

I squeeze my eyes closed, trying not to imagine a needle piercing into my neck. After WICKED, the thought of any medical procedure makes my stomach twist.

After a momentary prick, though, they've drawn my blood and pulled the bag back down snugly.

"Huh. Immune. I almost thought the Crank was lying to save her, saying he was the only one who was sick."

"Save her by saying she's a 'Munie? That's a good one."

I can't fight anymore. I hate how they're talking about Newt, but I hate myself more. I thought I was strong, but I couldn't fulfill Newt's last request. He wanted it to be me, I know that.

Why hadn't I just killed him and gotten it over with?

I know why – I care too much about him to hurt him – but it doesn't make it much easier to forgive myself.

World Gone Mad (TMR fic 3)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon