Chapter 44

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(I decided the original song fit better, but I really recommend the One Eyed Jack's remix version if you have the chance to check it out~) 

Denver may be on its last legs, but it isn't very intimidating in daylight. Toby and Zeke are entertaining, and I'm confident the three of us could get out of any situation we might end up in.

"No sign of the authorities," Zeke sighs.

"I like how the only reason you're disappointed is it doesn't give you anyone to blow up," Toby remarks.

"Hey! That's not the only reason. No officials means that this place is tanking for real."

"And that's news? Man, Zeke, you're dumber than I thought."

I tune out their bickering as my attention is caught by a teenage girl kicking and struggling in the hands of some burly looking men in the distance.

"Hey, what's happening?" I ask, elbowing Toby to get his attention. He watches them for a moment, and then smiles.

"Don't worry. They're ours. She must be a 'Munie."

Teresa. It has to be. I refuse to believe that there's another girl with long black hair who can fight that well. They do subdue her, though, and I see them drag her into the building next to them.

Zeke laughs. "She must have tried to slip out. Hotheaded, like you." He ruffles my short hair and I glare at him.

"I would have succeeded," I tease, even though I'm not sure it's true. The Right Arm has more control over the city than WICKED does, I'm sure of it.

Something catches my attention, though, and I quickly walk towards the building. Someone is trying to break in from the outside. A woman is bent over on her knees, pulling at the siding as if trying to get it loose.

"I don't think that will work," I growl, expecting her to look up with the mad eyes of a Crank. Instead she flinches away, scrambling back as if scared I'll hurt her.

"Who are you?" Toby asks, pulling his Launcher off of his back.

"Please," she begs, still scooting backwards. "Please don't hurt me."

"Mattie!" a man shouts, but she looks over her shoulder desperately.

"Stay back, Dan! Please stay there."

"What are you trying to do?" I ask, frowning at her. If she's a Crank, she's not been very affected by the Flare. Why would she be trying to get into the building?

"Just make an opening. Just... a small one."

"Why?" Zeke snaps, and she flinches.

"That's where the Immunes are. They can... take care of him."

I crouch down until we're face to face. "Who?"

"Our son. He's immune just like they are. I want him to have someone to take care of him, someone who might not die like Dan and I will."

I stand up. "I want to see him."

Her eyes light with hope. "Are you Immune?"

I sigh a bit, already regretting the fact that I'm going to be honest. "Yeah. Are you really giving up your child?"

"Of course. I'd do anything to protect him. He's my world, and I can't bear for him to be another hopeless story, another casualty." Then she turns back, and calls to her husband. "Bring him out, Dan."

The man's head is shaved and his eyes are haunted. The bundle he's holding is only big enough for a very young infant, and my heart pinches.

Mattie stands and goes to her husband. They both spend a moment stroking their son's face, saying goodbye, I suppose.

Then Mattie takes him and holds him out towards me. I take an involuntary step backwards. Who would ever hand me, of all people, a baby? Someone who doesn't know me, I guess. Mattie's eyes are encouraging and hopeful, so I step forward again and clumsily take the baby from her.

His eyes are brown, but not quite like Thomas's. There are flecks of green and gold in them, and I'm bewitched. I've never seen such a gorgeous life. He's tiny, and his face screws up miserably when he realizes I'm a stranger.

"Will you take him?" Mattie gasps out, her voice choking. I glance up to see Dan hugging her from behind, supporting her.

I don't know how to handle this situation. The Immunes in the building are going to be sent to WICKED as part of the Right Arm's plan. That's no place for a child. "You're sure he's immune?"

"He's been tested several times, all of them said so."

Do I need to protect him? I've never seen someone so young... maybe it's better he dies than grows up in this world... but he's an Immune. He's just like me. He has what Newt didn't.

A chance of survival.

"Very well," I say. "I'll take him."

Mattie steps forward, hugging me tightly. "Thank you," she says over and over as she starts to cry. I swallow awkwardly, watching the two parents tearfully leave, Mattie constantly glancing over her shoulder at me and her child.

As soon as they're out of sight, Zeke whistles.

"Damn, girl. You totally just adopted a baby accidentally out of nowhere and didn't even ask what his name was."

I don't feel like answering, so I just head back towards the Right Arm's headquarters.

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