Chapter 2

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I wake up with a slight gasp. It feels like something should be wrong, like I'm in danger. But the only sounds are the Berg's engines and the soft breathing of the sleeping Gladers around me.

I shiver. Is this safety? I don't believe it. It can't be. Newt shifts slightly, blinking his eyes open as I sit up. I can't stay still. Not when every fiber of my body is screaming that we are in danger, that we will die in WICKED.

"Are you okay?" he asks in his rough morning voice.

"Are we still trapped?"

He sighs a bit and sits up beside me. "I don't know." He motions towards my upper arm. "It looks like they gave us the cure, though."

I glance down and see a piece of gauze wrapped around my bicep, wrapping some injection site. He has one, as well.

I clench my jaw. "I hate that they messed with us when we were sleeping."

"Me too."

We're silent for a few moments. I'm calming down slightly, but my distrust of WICKED is only rising. They aren't hurting us right now, but that could change. That could change very, very quickly. It will change.

"Do you want to go check everything out?" Newt asks. "We could figure out how many of them are on here, where they put our weapons..."

I hadn't realized until he said something, but they took all of the weapons we had brought from the Scorch. My stomach writhes and I clench my hands into fists. They're going to punish me for burning the city. They're going to punish me by hurting Newt.

He notices the look on my face and immediately wraps his arms around me. "It's going to be okay, Ash."

"You're lying."

"Yeah, probably. But whatever it is, we're going to face it together."

He stands and offers me his hand. I let him help me up. I cling to him like I'm drowning and he's the only thing that can save me.

Maybe that's not so far from the truth.

"Can we take this slowly?" I say, my voice hesitant. "I don't want to miss anything."

He nods, and we walk together to the hold of the Berg, my curiosity pricking as I wonder what we'll find there.

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