Attack of the fat Karen

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I boarded the plane with Loki. "Do you want the window seat" asked Loki. "Ya" I said. I sat down and buckled up. Loki sat next to me. "So what is the town like" I asked. "Like most others. It's more old fashion but it's mostly the same. Like the schools" said Loki as he went on to explain. The zombie town seems to be pretty much the same as human town's. A women stopped in the aisle. She turned to us and I swear she had the typical Karen hair cut. She had blue jeans, boots, a bubble gum pink shirt and was fat. I don't mean chubby or big boned. I mean obese. "Thanks for keeping my seat you two. Now please move" said the Karen. "Excuse me" I asked. "This is my seat. I need it more then you. You have thin privilege anyway" said the women. Loki and I were surprised like Bitch what and I think the rest of the plane heard. "Karen" I started. The Karen had her soulless eyes turn into flames and I could feel her anger radiating off of her. "We paid for these seats" I said.

"So what, who cares" said the Karen. "Us, we got first class. It's the most expensive seats on this plane" said Loki. "Well your privileged ass can move to another seat. I need these seats. I need more room then you two" said the Karen. "We are not privileged because you are too lazy to take of yourself" I said. The Karen snapped. She reached over and grabbed me. She unbuckled my seat belt. "LET GO OF HIM" Loki yelled. The Karen pulled me out of the seat and threw me into the aisle. I landed on my butt and hands. "NEXT TIME RESPECT YOUR ELDERS" the Karen yelled. "WE PAID FOR THOSE SEATS" Loki yelled. "I NEED THEM MORE. I'M ENTILTED" the Karen yelled. "HEY, WHAT IS GOING ON HERE" asked a pilot. I started to panic a little. Loki ran up to me as the others explained what happened. "Are you okay" asked Loki. "Ya, I think so" I said. The Karen claimed I assaulted her and that she deserves our seat. Loki showed them our plane tickets. "JUST BECAUSE YOU PAID FOR IT DOESN'T MEAN YOU GET IT" the Karen yelled.

Loki helped me up as the people kept arguing. Loki sat me back in my seat and stood in front of me. I buckled up and put my blanket on my lap. "TWO TEENAGERS SHOULDN'T BE ON A TRIP WITH OUT THEIR PARENTS ANYWAY" the Karen yelled. "I'M BLOODY 20" I said. "NO YOUR NOT" the Karen yelled. There was more yelling and some people filming. The plane hasn't left the gate yet so people can use their phone and I think you can record on airplane mode. Loki made sure the Karen didn't try to grab me again. The flight workers later had Karen removed and everyone was told to go back to their seats. Loki sat down next to me and I cried. "It's okay Peter" said Loki as he calmed me down. I have anexity attacks. Loki rubbed my back as I cried. The plane continued boarding. I calmed down and just relaxed in Loki's arms. He kissed my head. The flight staff did the speech and the plane took off. I had to sit up and brake the hug before we entered the air. I held Loki's hand though. Once we were in the air I snuggled with Loki again. I later had some sprite to drink. After we landed we got off the plane and went to the zombie town.

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