"Mhm." Though her smile remained she went over to the cutlery drawer looking at them absent minded. I knew she had a hard time with him but right now she looked...unsure. "He's free the day after tomorrow. He's coming back here from his business conference in Milan."

I nodded. Then I would meet him and get the record straight. Nobody messes with my sister and gets away with it.

Catherine came down and scowled at the plates stacked with pancakes and all sugary contents that she despised. She opened her mouth to retort but Louis cut her to it. "Aaron."

The frown didn't leave her face as she headed to the fridge to get a box of Greek yoghurt out.  Both of us watched her angrily plop it onto a bowl before marching towards the granola and fleeting it on.

She yanked out a spoon and munched it at the stool. "This is breakfast."

"Nuh uh." Louis rejected. She pulled a plate of pancakes in and drenched it with syrup and whipped cream before adding two berries there. "This is breakfast."

I laughed nibbling on my apple. "Flo is coming tonight, yeah?"

"Ugh." Catherine huffed. "I hate children."

Louis rolled her eyes at her and nodded at me. "Yup. 6 o clock on the dot." I made a mental note of that.

"And how was your appointment yesterday?" Catherine asked with the least bit of concern. I knew she was only asking so Louis didn't deflate.

"Very good ladies." She patted her stomach. "My baby is healthy and growing."

"That's disgusting." Catherine winced. "The thought of it being pushed out of you. Blah." She shuddered and I had to agree with her on that. It sounded beyond painful.

"Don't remind me. La, la, la." She sang placing her indexes in her ears. I guess she was not as ready as she looked either.

The stairs creaked and we all looked up to see Aaron walked down his hair wet and dripping on his black shirt. His eye locked on mine.

I looked away continuing to eat my apple and staring at it's core that was starting to turn ruddy.

"Good morning." Louis praised. "Thank you for the heavenly pancakes. I must say you are blessed to cook." I felt him still stare at me but I ignored him.

"Thank you. I see Catherine has taken the nutrition variety." He noted and I stopped the urge to say how beautiful the two of them would be with their taste in food. They would be perfect.

But that made me more mad then it would to them.

"You didn't have any." He said stepping next to me. I shook my apple so he could see it and took a bite out of it.

"She's having a quick breakfast today. She's going shopping with me." Louis spoke in. I rolled my eyes at her saves.

"Oh." Aaron said. "Do you need anyone to drive?"

"Calm down Romeo." Catherine teased. "I don't think you'd have a blast at Victoria's Secret anyway." His eyebrows shot up and he looked at me. I tried not to blush at that. Catherine and I shared the same tongue it seemed.

"Actually I wanted to get a cartilage piercing as well." I said looking at Catherine. "They do it at the pharmacy there."

"Oh hell yes I'm coming. You'd look amazing in it too." Catherine noted. "Both ears or one?"

"One for now." I answered. "How painful is it at a scale of ten?"

"Two or three."

Louis snorted. "Wrong person to ask." I mustered a chuckle and nodded.

Always AaronWhere stories live. Discover now