"The Quiet Witness Vera Drew"

Start from the beginning

'Father gave it to me'

Phoenix raised a brow

'Your father...? But... I asked him about it. He didn't know how you got it'

Vera blinked at him

'Oh... Oh, um, I guess I just took it. Yeah'

'Took it...?'

'Father got a letter... from that person'

'You mean that letter was from the client?'

Vera smiled

'Oh, we talked about the Gramaryes forever that day! ...I'm sure that's why I was sent that stamp. I didn't want to just send it back... so I took it'

Phoenix nodded, an anger boiling inside of him, people were so sick to try and manipulate kids to do their dirty work

"that fucking client was trying to get on her good side, manipulating a 12 year old, fucking disgusting"

'So you met the person that asked you to do this job? and you talked with them?'

she went quite again, phoenix held up the 

'What's this about a "good luck charm" you received?'

he asked gently, vera frowned as she bit her nail

'...... I can't talk about it'

'why is that?'

'If I do, it won't work anymore! ...That's what I was told'

'..I'm very sorry vera, but this is very important for me to know

she went quiet again, phoenix took a moment to think, he didn't want to pressure a child into answering anything, ..but he needed to know this information

'You seem to trust this client quite a lot'

he said, she said nothing, phoenix thought for a moment before he took out the picture

'Because they gave you this stamp?'

Vera clutched her plush nervously

'N-No... that's not why. They listened to me. To my problem..."Don't go outside if you don't want to"... That's what they told me. But... when I absolutely have to go out... ...all I had to do... was use a good luck charm'

'the good luck charm that your client gave you?'

again she went quiet, phoenix now had a feeling who the client was, deep down he always knew who the client was, but he just needed more confirmation, he took out the nail polish bottle from his pocket

'Is this your good luck charm by any chance...?'

her eyes widen

'The same bottle's over there on your desk. Your good luck charm... right?'

vera nodded slowly

'I heard once... Cosmetics were once thought to ward off evil. This... is a magic bottle. It has the power'

Phoenix nodded as he kept his face neutral, he fucking knew it, of course, it was Gavin, who the fuck else would it be

' I think I know who gave you that bottle, actually. The one who asked you to do this "job". Was this the client?'

she said nothing, phoenix had to keep himself from gagging as he said

'Kristoph Gavin... is a friend of mine. do you know him?'

she looked at him surprised, before she frowned and started to stutter on her words

'I... I promised. I promised not to tell!, I'm sorry. I can't talk about the client. I promised. And if I break my promise, the spell won't work!'

'hey hey, it's okay'

he gently hushed, patting her head gently, she seemed to ease up a little but not entirely, he knew it was gavin form the very start, not many people are this tactful, but Gavin was, many lawyers were careless, kristoph, however, was careful and knew how evidence worked, it took a lawyer with better skill to catch him, someone like phoenix wright

'You're pretty confident in this charm, then?'

he commented

'...... I think... they might be the Devil'

Phoenix looked at her confused

'Or maybe... an angel'

'What do you mean?'

'I saw it... Or I think I saw it, when they gave me this. ...I saw the Devil's face'

'Are you saying the client's face looked like the Devil's?'

"i mean i wouldn't be surprised, he's basically satans fucking twin"

Vera shook her hesd

'No! The client... was gentle... with a gentle smile'

'So, where'd you see this "Devil" then?'

he asked

'It was so quick... I don't remember well. But... that's when I knew that person wasn't like other people. That's why I believe in my good luck charm'

Phoenix thought for a moment, ..it was possible she saw the devil inside of gavin, but then was persuaded by his "gentle smile", one thing he knew about kids, is that they could sense and see things adults just couldn't, and they were much more smarter then they appeared to be, but due to their innocent and child naivety, they were easy to manipulate, he looked back at his notepad, he had what he needed, he gave vera a gentle half-smile as he stood up 

'thank you very much vera, you did a great job, answering all my questions, I'll be leaving now'

Drew frowned as he opened the door for him

'...I am sorry for what happened to your fill in'

Phoenix gave him a hard look

'If you want to apologize, try Gramarye'

he said, before he completely walked out, vera suddenly spoke up

'Um... Did I... do something bad?'

Phoenix looked back, slightly confused

'no vera, you didn't, What makes you think that?'

Vera looked right into his deep blue eyes

'Your eyes... they're sad, Very sad, ..and tired'

phoenix hesitated for a moment before he half-smiled at her and gently patted her head

'.....I'll put on my smile next time I come, promise, I hope to see you smile then, too, Vera'

Vera looked up at him, ..she saw a hurt, but a strong angel in him, she smiled softly at him

'Oh... OK'

Phoenix hummed as he waved

'...Take care'

and with that, he walked out and left, but then headed to another place, the detention center 

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