"Not So Friendly Meeting Behind Bars"

Start from the beginning

phoenix just stared at him, it was true, from the moment he had met him he didn't trust him at all, and turned out he was right

'you didn't just brain a guy with a juice bottle for no damn reason. Tell me why you fucking did it'

'...Persistent, aren't you?'

'I came here because Gramarye mentioned your name, Gavin, and After that, he was killed. And I asked you to help me, because i knew it was secretly you, i set you up to fall, so now you answer to me, Why did you kill Zak Gramarye!?

Kristoph simply stared at him, and suddenly the room went black, phoenix's eyes widen in surprise, he thought he was having another PTSD attack, but that's when five huge black locks appeared 

"what the fuck?!!, I've never seen black Psyche-Locks like these! Can I even unlock these things...?"

'Something wrong, Wright?'

Phoenix slowly shook his head

'...No. It's nothing'

'You shouldn't push yourself so hard. Life is to be taken easy, you know. ......'

he simply said as he sat down on the chair and began to do his nails, phoenix glared at him before he completely walked away, but he did take a little note of him doing his nails, kristoph notice him staring 

'you're thinking "what self-respecting man would use nail polish?"'

phoenix gave him a look

'appearances are a big thing for you'

'you know what i say, one cannot live in a beautiful world without beautiful nails, first-rate in all things, accept nothing else'

phoenix examined the bottle again with his eyes, the bottle did look high-end, sparkly and ..wired as hell too

'the bottle is made up of crystal, which is why it is so sparkly, if your so drawn to it, please have on, it's on me'

phoenix gave him a dark look

'how generous...'

he said as he took the bottle, he had a feeling he might need it anyway, he looked for anything else, and found a yellow envelope, kristoph immediately reacted

'it's not nice to peek at other people's mail'

phoenix raised ar brow at him

'you fucking get mail?!'

'that i do, though they read it first appeared, still, i am allowed the pleasure of correspondence, packages and like that are a different matter, however'

phoenix rolled his eyes at how stupid that was, someone could easily write secret messages and codes for the prisoners to escape the cell

"this justice system is so fucking stupid"

"present day"


was all apollo said, phoenix nodded in agreement

'before i tell you what i did next, i first need to explain the whole vera and drew situation'

"Seven Years Ago, Drew Studio"

'I... figured you'd come here sooner or later'

Phoenix shrugged

'I decided on sooner, i don't like to fuck around, Drew Misham was it?'

Drew simply stared at him as he stammered 

'...... I... I haven't done anything illegal'

'i didn't come here to whine about past events. I wanted to ask you some questions'

Drew nodded as he sighed

'...I suppose you have that right. That day... the entire court descended into chaos. Only you stood still, your eyes calmly watching. I admit it made quite an impression on me'

'bieng in outrageous situations is a normal thing for me'

'Phoenix Wright, was it? I'll answer what I can'

Phoenix suddenly got a feeling he was being watched, glancing around, he saw a girl, bitting on her thumb and holding a plush close to her

'Ah, this is my daughter. Vera, say hello'

vera simply looked at him, then walked away, phoenix eyes trailed as he watched her leave, but then he refocused his attention onto drew

'Shall we begin, then?'

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