Chapter 69

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The car ride I noticed was taking quite a long time, when I peeked through the window for the first time since we got in the car I realized that we were out of the city. Rolling green hills were mesmerizing as the sun set, but alerting.

YN: "are you kidnapping me? Taking me to the woods to dump the body?"

He raised his eyebrows and smiled.

LN: "guess you'll have to wait and see."

I skulled the remainder of my second glass starting to get nervous, this was obviously elaborately planned.

Finally coming to a stop after 40 minutes of driving, I was curious to see where we were. I was first out the door and breath taken as I stepped out.

An open aired pavilion stood on top of the hill, a narrow stone path leading to a restaurant kitchen. Fairy lights danced around the support beams, showcasing a small table for two sitting on a gorgeous rug.

I felt my eyes begin to water. The emotions were overwhelming, it was beautiful for starters, but this whole night was more than anyone had ever done for me before.

I was caught out of the trance as lando squeezed my hand by my side. I looked at him as a single tear fell down my face. His expression quickly dropped but I made sure to smile, shaking my head dismissing his concern.

YN: "lando...this is...I don't know what to say."

His eyes glistened and his face glowed. He was more than happy, some emotion deeper then that that couldn't be described. Love perhaps.

LN: "we haven't even sat down yet."

I chuckled a little drying the under of my eyes with the hand he wasn't holding.

LN: "come on."

His voice was soft as he led us to the pavilion. He pulled my seat back for me to sit down, as I pulled the seat forward a man in a full suit and bow tie popped up from behind the hill. His hair smoothly pulled back, the aging on his face told me he was in his sixties.

A: "buon pomeriggio signora e signore, my name is Alessandro and I will be your waiter tonight, here is some starters for you two dashing eh sweet hearts."

He put down an assortment of bread, cheese and meats for us to pick on. I could already tell I would mostly seeing as landos taste buds were limited.

A: "for the main meals I have a menu here for you two to browse, I'll be up again in 10 minutes."

I was still lost for words so lando thanked the man on my behalf before he departed.

I cupped my face unsure if all of this wasn't a dream.

I looked up off the menu to see lando just staring at me. He looked so handsome in this lighting and all dressed up, I almost couldn't keep my eyes off him myself.

LN: "we should probably stop staring at each other so we can order before Alessandro comes back up that hill again."

I scooped my hair behind my ears taking his advice and browsing through the menu, settling on the beef tartare.

Most of the platter was gone within minutes. I made different combinations for lando to try which to my surprise he did.

YN: "see, pretty good right?"

He forced a thumbs up as he swallowed the Gorgonzola making me laugh. I continued to browse for more things to offer.

LN: "do you ever wonder what your life would be like if you weren't an F1 driver?"

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