Chapter 10

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YN: "yes mum, I can't believe it either. But a lot of drivers didn't get the chance to do a push lap and there was still a lot to work on."
Mum: "honey you don't need to be humble with us, your dad certainly isn't, he has signed up to facebook just to post about it."
YN: "of course he has."
M: "Any cute boys down there?"
YN: I sighed, it was all she ever talks about. Lando grinned from across the hotel room, hearing what she said. "Uhhh a few." I looked directly at him struggling not to laugh at his fallen face.
M: "ok well I have to go for celebratory drinks, have fun yourself will you, take a break."
YN: "if I must, love you."
M: "love you too."
I locked off my phone seeing a notification from char, come find me ASAP. I noted it in my mind but decided for now to indulge in lando. He waved me over to come join him on the couch where he was watching an interview of mine post testing. I lay down resting my head on his chest, cringing seeing myself on his phone.
LN: "they love you."
YN: "hm?"
LN: "aside from the few sexist questions they are very impressed with your turn around. P18, p15 to P6!"
YN: "for once I don't really care what they think. I mean I do but today.. I just enjoyed driving more than I have for a long time."
Lando frowned, before kissing my forehead.
LN: "You dominated F2 and didn't enjoy it?"
YN: "at times."
I dulled the mood and wanted to move on desperately.
YN: "hey you did phenomenal this weekend!" He really did, the press were drawling over him and zac followed him around like a puppy, he really has the chance to move up this season.
LN: "yeah, it's nice when our hard work pays off."
His hand caressed my back softly encouraging me to kiss him hard.
LN: "what was that for?"
YN: "I'm just happy."
LN: "is the adrenaline still pumping."
YN: "god yeah feels like I'm high."
He laughed whilst nodding his head along, relating I assume.
LN: "wanna go out with some mates of mine?"
YN: "are we allowed to?"
LN: "we all go incognito, places that are underground, dark and try to wear disguises but that doesn't always work. Besides you just make sure you behave and it's fine."
YN: "I wasn't exactly planning on binge drinking."
LN: "well you should be fine then."

Once lando snuck out of my room, I got dressed up with the only nice outfit I had packed which was a short black dress with a low hanging back. It was too hot to wear anything else honestly. I put my hair up in a tight pony tail, did some light make up and finished the look with gold jewelry up my ears and on my neck.

I sent a pic to lando asking if it was okay for where we were going to which he replied. Perfection <3 meet at the train station two blocks down the road. X

With the sun set I walked down the road away from the street lights. I didn't think anyone would recognize me but it was better to be safe than sorry. Once I approached the train station I saw a group of boys and one girl. It was Charles and lando who I already met but I needed to be introduced to George Russell and Charlotte sine (Charles girlfriend)
YN: "do you go to a lot of his races?"
Charlotte sine: "oh no we only just started dating last year but I heard of a massive club event here and thought it would be fun. Masquerade."
YN: "ah incognito."
GR: "that is the aim of the game. Although you might find it hard YN in that dress."
I felt stuck, George was coming on strong so clearly lando had not told any of the boys about us which was the way I wanted it to be. But still it was tricky to tip toe around.
YN: "yeah? I'll lend it to you some time."
Lando shuffled us down to the train platform once we all put our masks on. He was quick to take the seat next to me leaving the others to sit in there own row.
LN: "I think George might fancy you." He whispered in my ear.
YN: "couldn't tell."
Landos breath hitched and I could tell he didn't like this development anymore than I did.
YN: "tell him I have a boyfriend back home, get him to back off politely."
LN: "do you have a boyfriend?"
YN: "no you idiot it's just for him to drop it."
LN: "nooooo I mean do you have a boyfriend?" He wiggled his eyebrows up and down. I hadn't thought about labels but the way my heart skipped a beat at the implication told me it was what I wanted.
YN: "yes, but I'm not telling you his name."
LN: he breathed out a heavy breath he was holding on to followed by a cheeky remark to recover. "I'm sure he is real good looking."

Charlotte and I led the pack so the boys could chat. We had our arms crossed, talking about all the places she had visited on the F1 circuit and planning out all these things we could do together. She promised to come to the race in Australia and said I had to take her shopping in Melbourne which I couldn't pass up.

The club entrance was a fire door so naturally I was a little skeptical about how good it would be but once we walked down the stairs and through a second door I was mesmerized. The lights flooded the room and the bass shook my bones. People were shoulder to shoulder on the dance floor and all I wanted to do was immerse myself in it.

I felt Landos hands grab my hips and move me forward to dance so I led us into the very middle. I turned around to say how good this all was but was taken back to see George. Either lando didn't talk to him or he didn't care. I looked around for the others but it was impossible to see. Stay calm stay calm stay calm.

I moved back trying to create some distance but there wasn't any room to gain so I just danced instead, careful to not doing anything that George would interpret as an invitation. Obviously I didn't do a good enough job because before I knew it he was leaning in.
YN: "whoa whoa I have a boyfriend, sorry."
GR: "I just wanted a party kiss." He pouted. Drunk.
YN: "no sorry buddy."
I finally found Charles so I waved away George and darted as fast as I could.
CL: "hey what's up, do you want a drink I think lando and Charlotte just went to the bar."
Thank god I thought. Didn't want Lando seeing that.
YN: "no all good, although I think George has had enough."
CL: "yeah he has a habit of that, just wait he'll have a line of girls buying him more soon."
I rolled my eyes.  He was a player.
CL: "suprised he hasn't made a move on you yet. No offense but anyone with a long head of brown hair and a decent build better be on guard."
I nod finally seeing the other two return. We all made our way to the dance floor and moved along with the crowd, swaying hips. Charlotte and I danced hand in hand before she left me for Charles. Lando and I remained distant, careful not to publicize our relationship. After about 2 hours he bent down and whispered in my ear.
LN: "you reckon everyone back at the hotels gone to bed?"
YN: "at 2am probably why?"
all he did was raise his eyebrows and show of that trademark grin of his to tell me what he was implying.

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