Chapter 57

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I listened to the boys talk about soccer for half an hour as I talked to Yuki. He was talking about all that he had done throughout the holidays and I wish I coudlve said he had my undivided attention but I needed to steal George away and put out this fire.

Thankfully it came to an end and I pounded at the opportunity.

YN: "sorry Yuki one sec, George can I steal you away for a chat?"

All conversation at the table stopped as they watched on in anticipation.

GR: "anything you have to say, I wanna hear you say it in front of everyone."

He grimaced, all the secrets he had managed to get his hands on gave him power.

YN; "fine, I wanted to apologize about the Mercedes thing, I should've told you. But like I said you deserve the contract and I wouldn't take it from you after you've been so patient. Besides I want to stay at McLaren."

I turned and smiled at lando, grabbing his hand on the table. There were drivers here still under the impression we were dating. George's eyes followed my hand before they drove through my own eyes once again.

The Mercedes seat brought out the most evil parts of him.

GR: "right of course, you and lando, the power couple at McLaren. I see what you see in him, he is talented, funny, kind...but what does he see in you?"

LN: "oi George back off."

GR: "those boyfriend instincts."

He exaggerated the word boyfriends to the point where lando looked to me alarmingly. Shit.

GR: "but seriously lando tell us why you picked yn cause I just can't see it."

YN: "that's because you haven't had sex with me."

I tried the joke out to lighten the mood, it got laughs especially from Daniel and max but it only fueled George.

LN: "we are leaving."

GR: "I don't know you came pretty close at that club-"

I slammed my hand down on the table to stop him there. I stood up hoping to walk somewhere private with him to talk this out.

YN: "shut up! Let's talk somewhere else."

GR: "no! Tell your boyfriend that you were grinding on guys at the club, myself included, a week into the break."

YN: "he isn't my boyfriend anymore! Is that what you want me to say! Because you knew that you asshole I told you as a fucking friend! And if I saw your face I would've ran the other direction in that club!"

Lando was now pulling me out of the room. I struggled against him at first but once I got everything I wanted to say off my chest I went happily.

I saw shocked expressions from the drivers as I was taken away to another room. Lando slammed the door behind him.

It was silent at first, he didn't know where to start.

LN: "you know he thinks he is god fucking tier, why would you tell him-"

YN: "I didn't know who I was dancing with! He bent down and called me out saying I had a boyfriend and I freaked out."

Lando didn't look mad, just not bothered to deal with yet another drama that I had created.

LN: "he is an a grade dick."

I laughed, relieved he wasn't mad.

YN: "oh god we are going to have to talk to everyone now..."

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