Chapter 6

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**weeks later at preseason testing***
Lando and I continued to meet up outside of preseason training, the team stressed that they wanted to replicate the relationship that lando and Carlos shared so we worked hard to do so. We had both worked hard at our preseason training too, logging in hours on hours in the racing sim as well as getting physically fit and stronger. I also met Jason once like I promised lando I would, but only once I didn't want this to become a burden on the team or for me to distract everyone from chasing a podium.

The whole flight over my anxiety was building, lando did his best to calm me down constantly talking to me about some motogp rider he was obsessed with or playing uno. But I could multitask, stress and talk at the same time.
CS: "welcome to Bahrain! Now I would like you guys to go get sorted at the hotel and then I will meet you at reception around midday for your first press conference. Have training gear on because you will be going to fitness straight after."
YN: "sounds perfect."
LN: "and I get the biggest room?"
CS: "for you and your imaginary girlfriend?"  I laughed contributing to the sting although I kinda don't want to think about lando having a girlfriend. "No actually biggest room goes to YN for her big debut."
YN: "cheers char."
LN: "char?! When did you get to call each other by nicknames?"
YN: "come on let's go." I dragged lando to the elevator chuckling to myself. Once we were far away did I dare say "she's not a big fan of you aye?"
LN: "not in the slightest, wait till you make a mistake then you will find out."
YN: "nup no mistakes. I'm perfect."
LN: "I know."
YN: he said it so plainly it almost was as if he meant it. "Cmon last one down to reception does the extra bit a fitness."
LN: "deal"
We shook  on it before bolting out of the elevator to our rooms laughing the whole way. I could hear him chuckling from the other end of the hallway.

I knew I was going to win, I knew him well I've come to realize, my stuff was neatly packed and organized so I found my gear quickly, lando however would've had trouble finding all the right pieces so when he strolled into reception 5 minutes late I wasn't too suprised.
LN: "I actually wanted to be last and do the extra work you know, it's good for me."
YN: "shut up."  Joking around with him had become second nature.

CS: "okay you guys are up next, now remember everything I taught you, Lando I'm really hoping under all that joking around you absorbed something."
LN: "huh?" He was acting dumb but I don't think she could tell.
CS : "oh god. Put it this way you do well I will buy you 6 months worth of milk. This is the first impressions that reporters give, need to do it well. Good luck."
Yeah that's a great way char to keep me calm. As lando and I shuffled towards the stage set up he bent over and whispered in my ear.
LN: "no pressure, they will love you it's hard not too."
I looked up to him but his gaze was fixated forward. That did not have the effect I think he intended it too, now I am freaking out, is he actually flirting?

Reporter: "and now we would like to welcome the new and potentially improved McLaren team consisting of Lando Norris and YN YLN!"
Lando jogged up the stairs waving to the cameras so I followed suit at a more mellow pace.
R: "Okay firstly we have to ask YN how are you liking McLaren?"
I went to open my mouth and found myself frozen for what felt like forever but was really just a few seconds. Someone in the crowd coughed to fill the silence. Oh my god I looked like an idiot, like I spoke another language. All of a sudden I felt a warmth at my hand, lando. He was by my side. It's okay. I'm fine.
YN: "they've been so welcoming to me, all the talk about being a family is beyond true. The team and I have worked hard to get me started on the right foot tomorrow at testing so hopefully it pays off. they've pushed me to be the greatest version of myself and I'm just so glad to be apart of it."
I look to my left and see lando nodding at me letting me know I was doing good. thankfully nobody could see behind the cloth how tight I was holding his hand.
R: "and Landos been good to you? Helping you get to know the car."
LN: "say yes, he is a saint." Everyone shared a laugh including myself. This wasn't that bad.
YN: "I can't say no, he really took on a mentor role, for a rookie there is so much to be terrified about but he's walked me through it all, it wasn't all that long ago since he was in my shoes so he had a lot of fresh memories to share."
R: "speaking of being terrified, you've got to feel some pressure coming in to the season as the first and only female. Congrats by the way."
YN: perfect, char prepared me for this. "Thank you so very much, I'm privelged to get where I am with the help of my family, I wouldn't be the racer I am today capable of getting in to F1. And in regards to pressure, no more than any other rookie, I'm just focusing on proving myself and establishing a footing."
Charlotte gave me a big grin from the back of the room, no mistakes yet I take it.

The questions kept pouring in some focused on lando and what he was doing to move further and further up and some other technical questions for me as well. I was flooded with relief though when Charlotte said last question meaning we were almost done.
R: "some fans were apparently heart broken to see the two of you in the park together during the preseason, lando are you officially off the market?" Holy shit, my heart began racing, they really left the best question for last.

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