Chapter 44

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As I polished off my seventh cider I belted the lyrics to the scientist for maybe the third time in that night.

My body felt light so I decided to twirl around my living room. To feel even more free I began kicking off my pj shorts. Why did people not just walk around in undies and a tshirt, it felt so comfy and alive.

The last time I walked around in my undies was with lando... that's sad. I tried to find more alcohol to heal my hurt heart but couldn't find it. I frowned. I want more.
YN: "nobody said it was easyyyyyyy no one ever said it would be this hard!"
Very applicable lyrics, I didn't think F1 was gonna be a breeze but the heart break was not something I anticipated.
I sung so hard it began to hurt my throat.
Hmmm I needed a new song.
Where's my phone?

Ugh phones are small so hard to find.
I did laps around my apartment trying to find it.
Oh! It was in my hand!
I fell to the ground laughing, something I hadn't done in a long time.
Probably because I hadn't been having fun with Lando in a while.
I don't think he's laughed in a while either.
Has he?
I hope so.
I should call and ask!

I held the home button and asked Siri to call lando.
Calling lando norris.
I erupted in to laughter all over again, Siri pronounced the name funny.
LN: "yn? What's wrong it's 2am."
YN: "when did you last laugh?"
LN: "what?"
He sounded grumpy. Obviously it's been a while.
YN: "like you know we used to laugh a lot when we were together but I feel like in the last two weeks you haven't laughe-"
LN: "yn..."
He let out a forceful breath. He interupted me for that?"
LN: "your drunk."
YN: "noooo...."
I couldn't help but giggle.
LN: "go to sleep."
He spoke softly trying to coax me into listening to him.
Trying to trick me?
YN: "now that you've said that I'm going to stay up allllll night!"
LN: "and how do you plan on going to sim training tommorow morning?"
Ah oh. I forgot.
I put lando on speaker so I could set an alarm.
YN: "I can't find the alarm button! Siri wake me up in the morning!"
LN: "ughhh yn I'm coming over, this is insane. Unlock the door."
YN: "pfft I'm fine."
LN: "I'll bring McDonald's."
YN: "I'm unlocking the door now."
LN: "okay in the mean time drink water, bye."
YN: "byeeee."
I sung as I ended the call.

I fell onto the couch as the scientist began to play again. Good song. Suddenly exhausted I decided to cave in and lie down on the couch.

I was startled awake by hands shaking my shoulders.
YN: "what the fuck?"
Lando put a hand on his heart.
LN: "god you weren't responding thought you had alcohol poisoning."
YN: "where's the McDonald's?"
He lifted the bag up from the floor.
As I stuffed my face with chips I looked around. He had cleaned up?
LN: "time for bed, fall asleep now you'll get about 5 hours."
I pursed my lips, my whole body ached, the couch felt comfy. Why would I move?
YN: "I feel just fine here."
Lando rolled his head back. God he looked hot when he did that. I should tell him, it might make him less grumpy.
YN: "you look hot."
He didn't respond so to reiterate I licked my finger and hovered over my hip making the sizzling sound.
Lando suppressed a grin.
Good it worked.
LN: "you have had one too many ciders okay, go to bed."
YN: "I'm comfy here..."
I pleaded with him, refusing to move.
LN: "fine you give me no choice."
He took my by surprise and pulled me up and over his shoulder.
All my limbs shook around, it felt like I was flying.
YN: "weeeeeee-"
I was cut off by being dropped on my bed.
YN: "ow you hurt me."
LN: "boo hoo."
He pulled the sheets up snd over me. I nestled in the bed and closed my eyes.
YN: "you really did hurt me..."
I wish he didn't lie.
YN: "goodnight."
I was too tired to talk anymore.
LN: "goodnight yn."

The alarm set knives straight into my head. I hadn't been this hungover in quite some time. I moved my hand across my body to stop the shrilling but the alarm wouldn't stop. I let out a groan as I picked up my phone. There was no alarm?

Suddenly the noise stopped. I furrowed my eyebrows trying to piece together where the sound-

All the memories started to come back to me. I covered my race with embarrassment and groaned again. This was mortifying.

From my room I saw his shaggy brown hair pop up from behind the couch, there was no avoiding him now.

I moved slowly to minimize the head pounding and nausea I was feeling.
LN: "good morning."
YN: "is it?"
LN: "for you I doubt it."
We suddenly fell into our old morning routine, I started to make coffee for two and he put bread in the toaster.
As I slid the coffee over to him I saw he was trying hard not to laugh.
YN: "this isn't funny I feel like I am on the brink of death."
The laughter fell out of him, I sent him a glaring look.
LN: "I can laugh I was woken up at 3am!"
I nodded as I sipped my coffee.
YN: "actually you know what fair. You didn't need to come over."
LN: "yn you screaming through the call to Siri telling her to wake you up in the morning..."
I cringed.
If I imagine what winning a break up looks like, this is definitely not it.
LN: "what was the occasion?"
He moved over to the toaster and started spreading jam for the both of us.
YN: "a very painful interview. I didn't mean to drink that much but it spiraled out of control."
I watched his spine straighten through the back of his shirt. He knew exactly what I meant.
LN: "as if Charlotte didn't step in."
YN: "she did when the reporter asked if we had failsafes for arguments related to competition on the track."
I regretted saying it but I suddenly became comfortable around lando and started saying things without a filter.
LN: "ouch."
YN: "hence the drinking."
He turned around and offered me a plate of toast, that I never asked for but he too had regressed back into our pattern.
LN: "jam no butter."
My smile was bitter sweet.
A silence began to grow and things were starting to get more awkward than they already were.
LN: "I feel obliged to tell you that your very flirtatious when your drunk."
I banged my head against the table but the pain faded away as I heard landos familiar squealing laugh.
LN: "you called me hot which I will hold against you."
I got up walking away.
YN: "it's too early for this and I'm too hungover."
I could still hear him laughing as I turned the shower on.
This might not be how I wanted to go about it but I felt our friendship coming back.

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