More Deaged Dickie Drabbles

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Nothing made Bruce feel older and tireder than dealing with little children, so when Dick started regressing... it exhausted the man. Still, his other babies were all grown up now (though he hardly saw them that way), and he wouldn't mind giving Dick some more childhood, so he tried to be the best father he could.

"Can we please play together? PLEASE???" The boy begged.

"What do you want to play?"

"Can we play Batman and Robin?!"

Bruce sighed. "I'm a little tired on playing Batman, Dickie. Is there anything else we can play?"

Dick thought for a moment. "Hide and seek?"

"Alright, Babybird, you go hide and I'll count." Bruce said, glad this wouldn't be too taxing on his already burnt out state. 

Dick giggled and the nickname and covered his father's eyes. "No peeking!"

The Morning After

Dick blinked, waking up slowly. Dampened light streamed through the sheets strung over his head. Where was he? He rolled over and into Jason. He knew it was Jason because of the grunt. 

Dick became aware of his surroundings: he was wearing his overalls, there was dry popcorn on the couch cushions around him.

He was little, or at least, he had been. He couldn't tell where he was right now, he was two sleepy.

Gradually, Dick sat up, head brushing the sheets from the blanket fort Damian built with him. Jason was still out cold, and Damian wasn't present, but Tim was slumped in the corner of the fort, on his phone.

"Mmhey Dickie." Tim greeted. "Did you sleep okay?"

Instantly, Dick felt small again, if he was coming out of regression, that was pushing him back in. "Yea." He found himself chewing on the collar of his shirt. He spat it out.

"Do you want help getting ready for school?" Dick shrugged, he didn't know if he was big enough, but he didn't quite feel little enough. "Are you able to go to school? You could get triggered again." He nodded a little. "Oh, sorry Dickie, I don't wanna overwhelm you."

"I's ok..." He mumbled, his voice a bit quieter and higher than normal.

"Good morning, Richard." Damian said, ducking under the sheets to address his brother. "Do you want help getting changed?"

Dick shook his head. "I c'n do it." He crawled out from underneath the fortress and headed for the stairs, still coming out of regression. He was starting to feel vaguely embarrassed about his brothers Babysitting him again, he didn't think they'd had a blanket fort since he was about nine...

It actually took a minute for him to process that his brothers now knew he regressed under stress. He didn't Know how he felt about it; he hadn't planned to tell them, but... he was reassured knowing that they could help him if this happened again.

Monster Fighter

"JASONN!" Dick squealed, hiding under the covers. He was breathing hard, clutching Peanuts to his chest.

"What? WHAT?" Jason clattered through the door. He hurried to Dick's side. He grabbed Dick's side, making him flinch. "Hey, hey, it's me."

"JayJay!" Dick cried, he leapt out from under the sheets, hugging his brother tight. He sniffed, burying his face in Jason's chest. "Help!"

"What? What's wrong?" Jason ordered, gripping his little brother. Bruce and Alfred asked him to stay with Dick overnight, he took that responsibility seriously nowadays. "Did you have a nightmare?"

"There are monsters."

Jason let out a sigh. Dick must be little right now. That meant it was time for Jason to step into superbrother mode. "Don't worry, Dickie. I'll beat up the monsters for you!"

"NOO!" Dick cried. "Monsters can eat you..." He whimpered, the first tear spilling.

"Like hell the— like heck they will!" Jason proclaimed, flicking on the light. "Where are you monsters? Come out so you can dance with my firsts!" He threw open the closet and rifled through it. "Huh! No monsters here? What about here?" He tore open Dick's drawers. "No? Are you scared of me, monsters?" He dropped onto his stomach, crawling waist-deep under Dick's bed. "No monsters here either! I think they all ran away!"

Dick looked up at Jason with big, shiny, eyes. "What about the window?"

Jason strode over, throwing the curtains and window open. He leaned out into the chilly night air. "HEY MONSTERS! YOU OUT THERE? NO? OKAY THAN!" He leaned back into the room. "No monsters here! Who's your favorite brother?"


"That's right!" He crouched next to Dick, ruffling his hair. "Do you think you can go back to sleep?" Dick didn't reply, he slipped his hand into Jason's, and his opposite thumb into his mouth for comfort. "Okay, you wanna sleep in my room tonight?"


"Alright, come on Babybird."

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