Chapter 52

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Aaron pov

I went inside the room and soon Anatoly came from behind me closing the door with force. He seems to be angry. His wounds are treated and bandaged it. I completely forgot he got hurt hitting by the car. But he seems fine, actually better than me.

"How are you" I asked.

"I was fine until I heard that Candice paid someone to kill Isabella" Anatoly said grinding his teeth. I went still.

"What" I whispered. Dad was shocked too.

"I knew something was not right. I caught the driver who tried to run a car over us. We showed him our treatment until he spilled it out. As I thought, he was paid to kill. He is one of her men's. He met her few months back in the prison, and she ordered him to do this. The guy has been following you for weeks and took the right time today to kill her" he said sitting on the couch.

Everyone stood there shocked. I thought everything was over. But I was wrong.

"I will kill her" dad said. I looked at him. His eyes had become red as he grind his teeth in anger.

"Ohhh don't worry about that. I did that job" Anatoly said leaning back on the couch relaxing. We all looked at him in shock.

"What" Elijah said.

"I killed her. After I learnt the truth, I went to her. I shot her in the heart and came here. Don't worry about me getting caught. I have my ways to deal it, because I am a Mafia leader" he smirking at us. I blinked at him.

He just killed her, like that.

"Why" dad asked.

"She has been your back for years when you didn't do anything. I had planned to kill her before in your home but she escaped and caught by the police. So I left there. When I heard this I couldn't hold back so I killed her. Now you all can live your life" he said.

Everything was silent.

Soon everyone went out except me, Emma and Anatoly. I sat on the bed.

"You are bleeding" Emma said. I looked at her. She was pointing at Anatoly hand. He waved his hand.

"It's fine"

"No I will call someone" she said moving to the door.

"It's fine dear. This is just a small scar for me" he said but she didn't listen. Before she can open it, the door opened with force and a boy crushed into her. She was about to fall, he caught her.

The guy looked like a complete bad boy with leather jacket. He looks like the same age of Emma. He smirked at her.

"What a beautiful girl like you always be falling for the handsome guy like me" he said. Emma blush slightly but I see the fire in her eyes as she looked at him with annoyed face.

"Who the hell said you are handsome. I have seen better" she said pushing him away going out. The boy looked shocked at her comeback. Anatoly laughed looking at him. Does he know him?

"That was a awesome come back" Anatoly said. The guy looked at him in surprised.

"Well Carter's have their own way to embarrass boys" I said shrugging my shoulder.

"From experience I can tell" I nod my head smiling. He looked at the guy.

"What are you doing here Luka. I didn't get the information you were coming here" Anatoly said. The guy sat beside him.

"I was already following you to come here. Suddenly I heard you got into accident and came here as soon as I landed here. So how are you dad" he asked. My eyebrows went up in suprise.

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