Chapter 48

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Isabella pov

Aaron is sulking beside me as we all sat in Anthony's private plane.

It is the next day after I seduced him to agree. Yes I made him agree to come with the family trip again which was planned by Angel. And this time it's Switzerland.

Everything was going good but he was stubborn as hell to come with us. And now he is sulking like a child tapping away in his laptop. His face showed he is annoyed at this.

I don't know why he doesn't like vacation.

I looked around and found everyone engaged with themselves. Emma is alone next to us sleeping peacefully. There is a gap between us. I looked back at Aaron. I closed his laptop and looked at him. He glared at me.

"Now don't give me Mr. Cold face look. Why don't you like vacation" I asked. He crossed his arms and looked away from me. I looked around and went across my seat and sat on his lap straddling him. He looked surprised.

"Tell me why you don't like it" I asked wrapping my arms around his neck. He put his hands on my waist.

"I haven't went anywhere before so I feel irritated while traveling and change is weather" he said looking annoyed.

"You are weird. Just forget it and enjoy the time you get" I said playing with his hair at the back.

"I will try. So how are you after yesterday's night" he asked smirking at me.

"Bella I am trying to sleep. Please don't talk your personal life here. I can hear everything so keep it low" Emma said with still closed eyes. I immediately came back to my seat blushing. I heard Aaron chuckle as I covered my face with the magazine I found.

Soon we landed in Switzerland. It was already night when we landed. Now we are going to the villa Anthony has booked here. As I see the villa I was surprised.

 As I see the villa I was surprised

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It was so beautiful.

We all went inside and to our respective rooms. There were more than ten rooms here. Adrian, Elijah and Emma took their own room. This villa is so big. It was so cold than normal temperature. I slept off beside Aaron taking his warmth.


This is so peaceful and fun. We all went to different places enjoyed our time going out. We ladies had so much fun. We went to hot springs, skiing. Even though it was the first time, we had fun. We went to beautiful place for dinner every night. This is good. Aaron was also enjoying the vacation.

Now we have came to ice skating. I have to say I am not good at this. Aaron, Adrian are skating like pro. Mom, Angel and Anthony are sitting at the corner watching us. Even dad know how to skate. I am so scared to leave the support.

Again why did I choose to skate?

Elijah was also struggling but he is more stronger than me and learning it fast. Emma is also struggling beside me. Aaron came to us and I smiled at him. Thank you God he will help me. But my smile turned into frown as I glared at him. He went to Emma.

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