Chapter 34

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Isabella pov

Candice turned around and lifted the gun to Anthony. Then we heard a shoot.

Candice fell on her knees holding her arm.

The man behind Angel shot her in the arm. Adrian came and took the gun from her. Their men caged Veronica and Candice. Angel came and untied Anthony. Adrian did the same for Aaron. Soon Aaron came to me and untied the my ropes.

I hugged him as I stood up. He hugged me back.

"You are alive" I heard Anthony. We pulled away and looked at them. Angel and Anthony was hugging crying together. Anthony pulled away and held held her face in his hands.

"How" Anthony whispered.

"I will explain everything afterwards. We will solve this first" she said.

"About time you came Hunter" Anatoly said as the man untied him.

"What should I done with idiot of my friend" Hunter smirked at Anatoly.

"I will not leave this here Anthony" Candice shouted ignoring her pain and held back. Aaron moved forward, but Anatoly held his hand up.

"I will be taking them. You don't worry" Anatoly said. He looked at them "Take them away" he said. They pulled them out. We all followed them. They both were shouting and trying to get free. Candice was pushed into their car.

Veronica head butted the man behind her and took the gun from him. She shot Adrian in the shoulder.

"Adrian" both Anthony and Angel screamed. Aaron went beside Adrian. We all looked at him

Suddenly someone put their arm around my neck and held something to my head. I panicked.

"Sunshine" Aaron shouted. But he can't come, because he was keeping support for Adrian.

"If anyone dared to move I will kill her" Veronica said behind me. Hunter tried to remove his gun from his waist band.

"I said I will kill her. Everyone put your weapons down and hands up" she said removing the safety and squeezed her arm tightly around my throat.

"Hands up" she shouted. Anatoly nod his head at their men. They did what she told. Aaron looked helpless.

"Mom" she said. Candice came out holding her arm.

"Shoot the tires except one car" Veronica whispered. Candice got the gun from nearby man. She shot it and left one car. Anatoly moved forward. Veronica shot near my leg. I screamed at the sound.

"Mom get in and start the car" Veronica said pressing the gun to my head.

Candice went out of my sight. Veronica started moving along with me. She opened the door of the car as car was started.

"We will come again" she said pushing me hard. I fell on the ground as the car drove past me. Then I heard gun shots firing. I closed my eyes and covered my ears with my hands.

Someone hugged me kneeling down. Feeling their warmth I knew it was Aaron. I hugged back. He pulled away and helped me up.

"They escaped" Anatoly said seemed disturbed.

"You all go inside I will find them" he said. They took Adrian in, and we followed them.

A man from Anatoly came and started treating Adrian. Adrian hissed went they took the bullet from his shoulder. I put my face in Aaron chest not able to see. He covered my face with his hand. After few seconds he lifted my chin and made me look at him.

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