Chapter 46

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Aaron's pov

I was driving to the place I didn't want to go. I had the option to choose but I wanted answers. Why did she help me.

I am going to the police station to meet Veronica. I don't know why she wants me to visit her. When my lawyer called me and said, Veronica wanted to talk with me. I was debating myself whether to go. So I choose to go and find the answers.

It's been more than three months, she and Candice had went to prison. Why did she want to meet me now. I didn't say anything about this to sunshine. I don't know how will she react after I tell her.

I smile to myself remembering her cute face today morning. I came out the penthouse before she can wake up. Finally she had moved in with me. When I told her I won't get nightmares when she is beside me, she moved in with me. She came in like she owns my penthouse.

Well I will let her in anywhere when she already own my heart.

I was afraid when she found the truth that I have partially stalked her, she would leave me. But she proved me wrong coming back in few minutes as she went out. I just love her so much unconditionally.

As I said she is my sunshine.

I parked the car at the station and got out. I went inside and immediately a cop came to me. He took my details and checked me in sending inside a room. I sat on the chair with blank face and waited for Veronica.

After few minutes, the door infront of me opened and Veronica came in. She was wearing a prisoner clothes.

"You have ten minutes to talk" someone said behind her closing the door. She looked at me and sat on the chair opposite of me. I waited for her to talk but she didn't. She looked down fiddling with her finger. She looked pale and little weak than before.

"If you wanted to talk, talk. I don't have time to sit here" I said looking at her. She looked up at me.

"Yeah. Sorry" she apologized. I raised an eyebrow at her. I haven't seen her apologize to anyone.

"I wanted to say how sorry I am for causing your family trouble. But mainly I wanted to apologize you first. For how I treated you and how I made you suffer" she looked down at her hands.

"I didn't know what I was doing till Isabella pointed out that day" she placed her arms around her stomach "I was hell bent to make your family suffer and forgot about my happiness and my life. I was just listening to mom because I lost her for long time. But doing that I lost to become a mother listening to her. I am so sorry I killed her" she said wiping her eyes as tears fell. She didn't look at me.

"I forgive you" I said. She looked at me in shock "I know how you felt when your mother was taken away. I know that pain. You just act upon it with joy when she found you. Anyone would do that. But the method you choose was wrong. I am happy you rectified your mistakes. But why did you text me that day" I said.

"When Isabella said everything, I was actually shocked that my mom was the main cause of everything. When Isabella pointed out what she did. She didn't take the truth very well. Then I realised how wrong I was. I just spent half of my life planing revenge on your family. There was not a single point to make your family suffer. It was so wrong to make someone suffer when they didn't know anything. Isabella was innocent in all this. We took advantage of that to run away from this country"

"I thought no one should suffer from us that next minute when I came to my senses. My mom was like hawk looking at me so I sent that text immediately I got the chance. I am sorry what I made Isabella went through. I wish if I could turn the time and change everything I would have done it. I am so sorry" she said looking down.

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