Chapter 23

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Aaron pov

I woke up as I smell something burn. I opened my eyes immediately and looked around. Isabella was no where beside me and the room was clean from the mess. I looked at the door, it was wide open. I got up from the bed and went out. I can smell the burnt smell more was I descend the stairs. I entered the kitchen and saw Isabella trying to get something from the cabinet shelf.

She looked hot in my shirt. The shirt was ridden up showing her ass. I moved behind her.

"What are you doing" I asked. She yelped and slipped her leg. I wrapped my arm around her and pulled her body to mine. Her eyes went wide and looked at me.

"What do you want" I asked.

"I want that paper towel. I cut my finger" she said showing her finger. The blood was dripping down where the cut was. I removed my arm away from her and took the paper towel. I dabbed it on her cut.

"Hold it" I said. She held it. I took a step to go to the last cabinet but I stopped in my place when I saw eggs were broken on floor. I looked at Isabella, she looked down embarassed about herself.

"Sorry" she mumbled looking at her feet. I moved past the mess and opened the cabinet. I took out the first aid kit and moved back to her. I treated her finger. She flinched when I dabbed the antiseptic on the cut. I put a small bandage on it. As I did she didn't look up at me. I went to throw the dirty things, but I saw the pan in the sink with something burnt.

That's why I smell something burn.

I took a cloth and started cleaning the floor.

"You can't do that, I did it. I will...." she cut off her sentence as I glared at her. She looked down fiddling at the end of the shirt. I quickly cleaned it up and threw the cloth away.

"If you wanted to eat something, you should have asked me" I asked in a serious tone.

"I just wanted to make something for you" she said still looking down.

"Did I tell you to make it" I raised my voice at her. She flinched slightly. I closed my eyes to control myself.

I am boiling in anger now. How can she be irresponsible. Just yesterday she was almost dead. What if something have happened. The cut was not deep. What if the pan caught in fire and happened something. I maybe be overreacting but I can't see her in pain or hurt. I opened my eyes and looked at her. She was looking damn sexy with her long toned legs in my shirt. She looked frightened fiddling with her fingers.

"Did I say I wanted anything. You should be resting now Isabella. Just twelve hours back you were fighting for your life. Do you know how I felt when I saw you laying unconscious looking like almost dead in that freezer. I was feeling horrible that I am the reason you were stuck there" she was about to talk as she looked at me. But I held my hand up.

"Don't try to say it wasn't my fault. It is very clear that Veronica did it intentionally. You don't know anything about her except she was my ex girlfriend or why is she doing this. I said I just wanted to sleep and expected you to be in bed when I woke up. But I see you in the kitchen with a cut finger and mess. What if the cut was deep? What if you weren't fast enough to remove the smoke and caught fire" I said looking at her. She was looking down at her feet and said 'sorry' again. I released a breath and looked around.

"You want something to eat" I asked softly looking at her. She shook her head and played with the button on the shirt.

"You want something to drink" again she shook her head being quite.

"You want to make out" I asked. She bobbed her head but stopped and looked at me in horror. I smirked at her.

"What! No" she said started blushing.

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