L I F E ' S G I F T

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People say that lovers don't last long, or if they do, they'd most likely lost that spark or romance in their relationship. Annalise and Draco certainly proved them wrong, through ups and downs, they were strong and dynamic, they didn't look for others even though chances were free.

Most of all, Draco kept to his promise.

He did love her, and he still does. And to Annalise, that's just what she needed. In this world full of injustice and cruelty, in her world full of desperation, blackness and sadness, she needed someone to lit her up, someone to hold her while she's at her lowest; and Draco did just that.

There were times when Draco was absolutely off his rocker, of course,  Annalise is a known Arithmancer after six years of working, meaning she and Draco had been together for exactly six years now, if you exclude their relationship-being  when they were still studying at Hogwarts.

With that being said, Draco can sometimes be off his rocker, there would be days when Annalise was extremely busy with her work, she studies Numerical Charts in her own office, built inside the Ministry Building, along with other licensed Arithmancers, due to her passion for her work, she'd oftentimes go home late, or would even sleep at work for days just to find out the magical identities held in numbers ― And Draco didn't understand that.

He would be at his worst attitude when she comes back home, would give her the cold-shoulder and frequently visits (than intended) his Potion Factory when she's home even when he didn't need to, just to let her know he was mad. And at the end, he would feel guilty after realizing Annalise was busy with work, he kept on thinking she was staying nights at work for a handsome co-worker, and would soon came to realization that Annalise would never do that.

They had married three years ago, privately, with only trusted friends and families invited, even then, Annalise refused to have a kid with Draco, and that ended up in a massive fight, so massive that they didn't talked for weeks and thought that was the end of their marriage...

“Why not?!” Draco yelled at the top of his lungs on a sunday morning. “I've been very open with my feelings, Annalise! And I've never done that with someone else ― now all I ask is a ―”

“And I said I am not ready..” Annalise retaliated in a soft voice, her eyes brimming with tears and her heart was clenching in pain. Why is it so hard for Draco to understand she doesn't want a child yet? She thought.

Draco looked away and slumped on the edge of the bed, eyes looking down at the silver ring embellished around his finger, it was their wedding ring. “I was patient, Annie..” he started. “But I just want to have little kids running around the house, creating chaos and ― I want to be a father... With your kid... I want to have a family with you.”

Annalise stalked towards him, sat next to him and enveloped him in a tight embrace.“Why is it so hard for you to accept my wishes?” he mumbled, voice cracking. She can feel his sadness within, and that alone, had her feeling guilty.

“I do want to have a kid with you, Draco, believe me..” Annalise spoke dearly, hands fondling with the softness of Draco's hair as he lay his head on her shoulder.“But I still have Addy and I don't want her to feel left out when we have a family.”

“Addy is old enough, Annie.” he said rather harshly. “Stop treating her as though she's still in first year for merlin's sake! She's not even here for ten months! She's grown, Annie, she'll understand, so why can't you?”

“You mean, why can't you understand I'm not ready yet?!” Annalise bellowed and moved away from him, she scooted atleast a meter away from him on the bed, hands placed around one of the bed poster. “And Addy's only in her fifth year! I love you Draco but you're forcing me! Forcing me unto something I don't want to do and don't want to have!”

To my Roommate, Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now