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Annalise felt Winter drawing nearer, however, she had no reasons to be excited as the Final Match will begin in a few moments. She gaze around the locker rooms, all of her teammates are stretching and placing spells and enchantments over their equipments for some added protection.

Hailey and Tavern the Beater Twins have gained a leaned physique from their Quidditch Practices, Annalise can see their muscles protruding in their biceps. Even Luna, who was a tiny girl, seemed to gain some muscles on her lower body from kicking Quaffles here and there.

Annalise's nerves were going wild as she tightened the wand holster around her right thigh and slid her Vine wand inside it, she then place a charm that would prevent it from falling.

Her heart keep on thrumming fast from the moment she woke up in Draco's bed.

All night, all she ever think of was the Match, but when she had a heart to heart conversation with Draco about Quidditch, she had forgotten about it as he tried to ease her. Then they ended up in a peaceful sleep after a long heated snogging.

She was heavily relieved that Draco didn't think of her as his enemy considering they were both Seekers. In fact it was the opposite, he kept on telling her she will do good whilst he wrap his arms protectively around her tired body.

He was changing, or so she think he is.

Annalise shook her head and took a deep breathe, this wasn't the time to feel giddy about a Romantic night.

Taking her broomstick in her hand, Annalise marched towards the blackboard, then cleared her throat loudly, earning the attention of her teammates. “Everybody take a seat” she demanded but tried to sound as polite as she can.

All of them hurried and filled the wooden stools in front of her. The air was penetrated with a painful silence, Annalise didn't know how to start a pep-talk this time, seeing her teammates look nervous made her feel thrice as worried.

“This is the finals” Her voice came off strong which she's glad off. “We haven't been to the finals for a long time, have we?” she questioned, and earned a nod from all of them.

“This is my last year in Hogwarts, like some of you here.” She exchange glances with Luna, Marietta, and Benneth who's face fell, looking sad. “I want to make it memorable, since this would be the last time I'll ever get to play Quidditch with talented people”

A look of gratitude plastered in all their faces, Annalise smiled to all of them. Sadness seeped into her heart as she stared at the younger faces beaming upon her. Once this is over, she will definitely miss the journey she had with them, all those arguments and laughs and their gatherings. It was extremely fun, she felt like she was fifteen again.

“Now, those Slytherins might play dirty..” she warned and her expression changed. “Don't be surprised if they really did, they've done that a lot of times, especially against Gryffindors.”

Benneth Jones cackled, his lips curled up in a sinister smile. “Of course they will, their captain is Draco Malfoy. That tosser is well known for his tricky tactics. I even heard from a friend that Marcus Flint personally taught him dirty tricks before he graduated.”

The whole team shake their heads in annoyance. “If they start playing faulty then we should too!” Tavern roared, earning a cheer from others, but his twin sister, Hailey, smack his arm in disagreement.

“No..” Annalise simply answered, and all of them silenced their mouth as they listen to her intensely. “We will never play dirty, we are gonna do it clean, wise and precise. I am not gonna waste my last Quidditch Match by playing dirty” she took her wand from the holster around her thigh and jabbed it to the blackboard ― the list of tactics and tricks were instantly wrote down, with some new ones being added that they practiced prior to the match.

To my Roommate, Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now