D R A C O ' S W R A T H

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Annalise stared at the letter for nights on end. She had been in her bed, alone, despondent, the hospital wing was very empty, though from time to time there would be students coming in who had drank a wrong poisonous potion or who had been jinxed accidentally. But then, they would leave as soon as the Matron had healed them, and it was such a fast healing.

She felt as though she was isolated from everyone else. But atleast, she gets daily visits from Hermione (who would bring a parchment with answers and essays to let Annalise know she's been doing her homeworks) then Ron, Harry, Ginny, Luna, Neville and Dean. Annalise was indeed very greatful that despite their busy schedules they found it in their time to visit her ― but the person she was dreading to see, has not, even once, visit her.

He didn't even took a small time and effort to write her a letter.

Annalise missed Draco.

And she shouldn't feel that. These past days, she was conflicted with her feelings. She would mull over things he did with her, though Annalise knew her sexual relationship with Draco meant nothing, and that it was completely platonic, atleast to him, she can't help but want more.

She wants to see him everyday and everynight. She wants to see that smirk on his face that she grew accustomed with, that moonlit eyes that always tantalized her, his addicting scent that makes her melt. She wants more of that. Not just sex and snogging but... She wants to feel... Cherished, like the way he stares at her after a passionate shag, she wants more of those. She's dreading to have more.

The third day she spent at the hospital wing was the worst. Her arm and back got better, she can bend and move about without any major problems and difficulties, but, what made it worse was the revelation she open upon herself.

It was when she kept on staring at the letter, analyzing it by detail over detail until she can't think of anything else. Annalise was mad. She was mad at Draco for not even seeing her when all she wants was to see him. Then it came upon her. I want to see him? Annalise asked herself, and then later on she was able to answer on why she wants to see him.

She wants what she can't get.

And she wants Draco.

Later on, she concluded her answers, she concluded on why she wants him near her, why is she feeling angry at him for not seeing her, she then thought of what if he was with another girl all these time and that made her mad and jealous ― but that's when it strikes her ― Jealous? Why would she be jealous?

Annalise layed on her bed, staring at the ceiling, still cannot accept the fact that she now, indeed, and legitimately, has feelings for Draco Malfoy.

She denied it for so many hours and days, thinking it was an absurd idea or maybe she was just making things up because of how lonely she felt but whenever her mind thinks of his smile, his genuine smile, it made her feel joyful, thus proving herself wrong.

It's what she's dreading the most. To like someone. To like Draco Malfoy.

Subsequently, the sound of the gate creaking open caused her to stop all thoughts. Madam Pomfrey came strutting in, holding a clipboard and a feathery blue quill. "If you can move properly now, then there's no reason to stay longer." she stood at the foot of Annalise's bed, eyeing her.

"Since the cast had been remove, I reckon you're able to move more freely. You should feel better considering I've been giving you calming draughts, Strengthening solutions and energy drinks. Are you feeling better now?"

Annalise nodded politely. "Loads, I'm doing good."

"Stand up and move, if you're fine then you can go." Madam Pomfrey checked something in her clipboard before training her eyes on the parts Annalise had been hit with the bludger.

To my Roommate, Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now