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It was still unknown to Annalise on why Draco Malfoy would just suddenly help her with her Potions practical exam and drag her out of  Slughorn's classroom just to remain silent once they got inside his bedroom yesterday.

He was off-center, his persona was bizzare and uncanny.

Annalise wonder if he has some personality issues, but she notice his mood fluctuates very easily. One minute he'll act as though they were strangers, then he'll treat her like vermin, and then switches to being civil.

This cycle continues on for a month.

Draco Malfoy shows signs of Emotional Instability.

Is he bipolar?

If there's a bipolar student in school, it most probably be Malfoy.

She refuse to let him linger long on her mind, and instead fix her gaze at the sight upon her.

The crisp golden leaves fell off the trees, the air was thick with the October wind and the sky was magically blue as though it has never been this bright before.

Annalise let her eyes soak at the scarlet maple scenery as she stood in the threshold of the castle.

Autumn finally arrived, and students were out in the open grounds, taking in at the carnival clothes the trees wore. It was the perfect time for hugs and butterbeers while sitting in a rocking chair with friends near the fireplace. 

Hogwarts looks like a painting with bright and warm colours surrounding every tower.

However, Annalise wasn't feeling very homely.

It was the first Holiday.

The Holiday her brother Adam, was talking about.

She remember the letter he send not even a week after she had arrive at Hogwarts.

He was letting Adelaine to spend the holidays with him and his selfish family, as long as she wasn't around. She doesn't even know if Addy wants to go home alone, her little sister loathed Adam as much as she does.

Adam was more keen with Addy than with Annalise, he would give her small gifts like socks and sweets from Honeydukes but none for Annalise. And that causes Addy to hate her brother.

Today was the day students are going back home for two days.

All her friends were going home, Hermione, Ron, Harry and Ginny will stay at the burrow to spend time with the Weasleys, Luna is going back to his father, Neville is going to see his grandma again, and even Dean will go back to his home for the holidays.

She is left behind, but it's nothing out of the ordinary anymore. Although her friends invited her to spend holidays in the Burrow knowing Adam loathed her, she cannot for everytime she sees Molly, she cries remembering her mom, and she doesn't wanna cry anymore.

Annalise already signed the parchment indicating she'll stay at the school, she wasn't welcome anywhere near Adam, sometimes she ask Merlin what drove him away from her.

What started this distance and coldness between them.

They were never this aloof, they used to be the best of friends, but ever since Annalise started going to Hogwarts, Adam begin to act forbidding and reserve.

“Haven't seen you alone in a long time, Beaufort” A low voice emitted behind her.

She half-turned over her heels and met Malfoy's cold silvery grey eyes.

He was wearing a black velvet robe, his hair was neatly done and he look more dashing than ever.

If only he smiles, it would've made him look even more alluring.

To my Roommate, Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now