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Draco wasn't exactly pleased about staying four more days in the Burrow, he had never seen such a shabby house, and concerningly wondered how the Weasleys are able to live in a cramped space, and how they manage. He can just imagine waking up, being piqued about walking down the dingy, narrow staircase, then having to worry about who'll be left without a chair in the living room table for meal times.

For the first time in his life, he was glad to be born in a wealthy family, even if that family is extremely unbearable to be with. Everytime he sees Mrs. Weasley worrying about money or new cloaks to buy for her husband, his heart gave a painful clench, it was a yearn to just share his renumeration with them, but he knew well that the Weasley family wouldn't take them.

Annalise told him that the Weasley's lives before was far worse than this, they can barely buy books for all five kids, Ron, Ginny, Percy, Fred and George, he was then informed that Potter didn't pursue on giving them money considering they wouldn't accept it. And he can't fathom why. They were on the edge of their life, struggling with money, so why wouldn't they accept it?

His days in the Burrow were bright and happy, which is not what he expect to be. Every now and then, there would be someone who would sit next to him, and talk about life, or just funny things in general. It amuses him, for when he was young, when he starts his journey in Hogwarts ― no one dared opening up a discourse with him, if they did, it'll be about plotting pranks and hexes on Potter, Granger and Weasley ― he did enjoy them before, but there were times he was getting tired of their rivalry.

So having cheerful people around him somewhat gave him an awful alien feeling, but he did liked it. He liked it so much he would wake up first, help Mrs. Weasley in the kitchen and start up a conversation later on during breakfast, and they'd all listen to him.

It was the lack of attention when he was young that made him feel alien towards this attitude people are giving him.

On their last day, which is today, he took Annalise and Adelaine to Diagon Alley for a new wand, then he bought some gifts for the Weasleys. Now, Draco felt a little forlorn, it was never exactly cheerful in the Manor, only full of depressing and traumatizing memories. He reckons it's what money can't buy, a happy family.

“Oh Addy! Don't forget about your teddy bear!” Ronald hurried upstairs, and seconds later he was back with a teddy bear in his hand in which he handed to Adelaine.“I know you'll miss me, I'm your favorite uncle.”

“Not exactly ― I like uncle Harry more.” Addy responded which caused Ronald to be grumpy all the day, and he kept on shotting Harry a nasty look while Harry just laugh at him.

Mrs. Weasley was checking Annalise, Draco and Adelaine's shared room for forgotten belongings before they left, and it's taking quite a while because the dim-witted ghoul in the attic keep on banging the walls and ceilings, so Mrs. Weasley had to silenced it.

Annalise stared at Draco as they stood waiting near the fireplace. She examined his face, and saw a bit of bags under his eyes, he was still tired but lesser, his muscles had grown bigger and his face was more brighter, he obviously became more healthy and zappy, which she was happy about.

“You don't seem like you want to go.” She taunted, hand grabbing his own, and the other clutched on the shoulder straps of her backpack.

Draco nodded and stared at the fire before them, seeming to zone out. “Believe it or not I did enjoy the little time I had here, Annie.. People are so..” his voice faltered into an audible whisper.. “Nice and gleeful.. It's weird.. I've never seen so carefree people, and well, I must say I like it.”

“They're not carefree ― they just enjoy their life without hatred.” Annalise said, then she looked behind her shoulder to see that Ron, Harry, Hermione, Ginny and Adelaine cramped themselves in the couch, Mr. Weasley was scolding Fred and George again for not de-gnoming their garden, Mrs. Weasley was still upstairs searching for forgotten items.

To my Roommate, Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now