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At first, Annalise thought Adam's plan would include fancy cake serving, an apology parchment scroll that's three feet long, or perhaps giving out a huge amount of gold to stitch her relationship back with her friends, however, Adam said that a way to regain an old friendship, was talk and tea.

Just them, talking, with tea in the afternoon.

She thought it was absurd, and so does Draco, both perceiving that a way to a friend's heart was through treasures and golds, but Annalise nearly forgot her friends were no ordinary people. They wouldn't accept an apology for golds, Annalise knew that, for she was one. Hermione would be furious, Ron would be too, and so is Harry and Ginny, thinking she can buy them back with Money.

Annalise soon agreed with Adam's plan, even when Draco was absolutely against it and keep on telling her she will fail. But there was no harm in trying, so three days after the planning of taking Harry, Ron, Ginny and Hermione to that same coffee shop in sixth street district, Annalise owled them, each with the use of Draco's owl, Fornax and Perseus, along with Addy's tawny owl. It took quite a long time to get a response back, but Annalise didn't mind.

The response she got however, were different than she had imagined. Opening Harry's letter, the first words that she read was: Are you still with that brainless muppet? If so then no, piss off.

Ron's response was no better either, for he sended Annalise a howler that nearly reached the ceiling of her shared room with Draco, he shouted that what she had done was terrible and that there was absolutely nothing she can do to mend their friendship back ― Through the howler, Annalise knew Ron was arguing with George for telling him off.

It was extremely awful, Hermione was a bit better than both Ron and Harry, though it arrive very late because Perseus, a very old owl, kept on fainting throughout his owl-delivery, she said: I never should've argued with you, but I still don't like that you're dating that numpty wanker, you would've been better off with Dean, he wouldn't let a fly hurt you.

Annalise must admit that it did put a smile on her face knowing Hermione cares about her unlike the harsh notes from Ron and Harry, but she's disappointed that even Hermione cannot accept love for the way it is.

Then lastly Ginny's response, it arrived the most late, nearly five days later, with Addy's tawny owl. It was in a scarlet letter with gold waxing, and when Annalise read it, her heart took a leap: I was never actually against with you dating Malfoy,  but Ron kept on pissing me off, so I went along with it. I know it's upsetting, truly sorry, Annie. Take me to that coffee shop, I'll drag Ron with me ― meet me in our backyard at 1 o'clock next week, if you want I can bring Fred and George so they can handle if Ron'll went ballistic. Reply Asap.

Ginny was second to the least Annalise thought would be alright with this little reunion, but was more than relief that atleast one of her friends had never actually held a grudge on her for loving whom she wanna love.

Deciding that this reunion could go both right and wrong, Annalise had another plan, though it wasn't very friendly, that plan of hers, she figured it's best, knowing she had Ginny to her side now.

After tying the letter, which was her response to Ginny, around Fornax's leg, she kissed the top of the owl's head and she hooted softly before taking off into the hot July sun, Annalise squinted to see her wings flapping and soon she was no longer in sight.

The door was heard to be creaked open, Annalise turned around and saw Draco sticking his head in, and she smiled at the sight of him. “What are you doing, Draco?”

He shot her a smile before completely entering the room, Annalise then saw in his right hand, a very familiar picture frame. “I fixed it, without any magic. I'm sorry for damaging it before, I was distraught.” he said and showed her the picture.

To my Roommate, Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now