A N N I E & D R A C O

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A few weeks had gone by like a paper in the wind, and now it was time for a new match. Just as autumn is nearing to an end, and forthcoming the winter season, Hogwarts was once again, up for another Quidditch semi-final.

Gryffindor in opposition to Slytherin.

Annalise wonder who's she cheering for. Gryffindor, where most of her beloved friends are sorted or Slytherin,  where she's been having a sort of attraction to the prejudice popular boy.

Yes, Annalise admit she's attracted to Malfoy. He was simply breathtaking, she's not gonna deny that he's such a sight to look at. But it's only attraction, nothing more, nothing less.

In those few weeks, the students were in a lot of pressure and stress.

Time flies so fast that Annalise had barely finished her stack of homework essays for her Charms and History of Magic Class, and she has been doing it for nearly two weeks.

If it wouldn't have been for Malfoy's needs, she would've finished it early.

Every single time she gets back to his Bed Chamber after a long day, Malfoy would still be either on the pitch or the courtyard where he and his teammates  spend for more or less than five hours training and practicing prior to the Quidditch Match.

And by the time he's done ― Annalise would still be busy writing her essay homeworks but he would interrupt her by kissing her so needily until she forgets about her homework.

They have never gone too far, they still haven't had sex, and Annalise would be lying if she said she's not sexually frustrated about it. All Malfoy has ever done was finger her on his matress whilst snogging.

That was enough to satisfy her. He was good with his fingers, Annalise won't lie. But she needs more, she was aching for him so badly. She never even touch his dick, Malfoy always gives pleasure but never receives. He likes to see her be pleasured by him. Gives him joy.

She snap herself back to reality and wrap her jumper more about her body, feeling chilly.

“..Gryffindor! Gryffindor! Gryffindor! Gryffindor ― Slytherin! Slytherin! Slytherin! The mighty serpent Slytherin!..” The roars of Gryffindors were drowned out by the loud cheers of  Slytherins.

Annalise stared excitedly at the humongous pitch, at her right-hand side, the Gryffindors were mounted in front of their hoops, on her left-hand side, The Slytherins were also set in a triangle position, guarding their hoops.

The match was about to begin, and she can see her friends from across the pitch, all jumping with excitement. Annalise stayed in the Ravenclaw bleachers, while her friends were at the Gryffindor stands ― though she badly wanted to join them, her Quidditch teammates invited her to watch with them, and being the good team captain she is, she accepted.

She stared at Harry from across the pitch, he was in between Ron and Hermione, looking like an anxious bespectacled frog.

Annalise can't blame him for his nervousness, though she must admit it would've been better if Harry was still seeker, Dean was good, however no one can replace Harry in terms of Quidditch. But Harry was tired, especially after the war.

Everyone was tired.

She shake her head, and look up again. Both house's seekers were stealthily flying in the middle, they were ten feet above all other players, and they seem to radiate deep hatred within one another.

Annalise smiled after seeing Malfoy in his green and black Quidditch Robes, it billowed around him as he leaned back and stare smugly at Dean.

He looks like an International player.

To my Roommate, Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now