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“Now as you all know, todays' examinations will conclude a quarter of your marks for the entire year” Professor Slughorn mirthfully stated.

“Do fail and you'll find yourself repeating seventh year after summer” He continued, eyes darting at every student who stood behind tables with their cauldron and jars filled with ingredients on top of it.

Annalise was right. It was indeed a practical examination for Potions. She fiddled with her silver ring, the family heirloom she always wore as she felt trepidant.

This was her last exam, she had taken Arithmacy, Divination, Transfiguration, and Charms during the morning, then right after lunch time she took Defense Against the Dark Arts, Herbology, History of Magic and now Potions.

Ancient Runes and Muggle Studies were paperworks they did throughout the whole month.

“For the next hour, you will be making Amortentia anddddd Elixir to Induce Euphoria” Professor Slughorn raised an eyebrow and grinned widely.

Annalise looked around the room,  Neville, Harry, Ron, Blaise, Malfoy, Parvati, Pansy, Luna and Hermione were all with her. All of then are very witty students, highly Intelligent.

But this wasn't a competition, she just needs to pass her exams, and get an Outstanding, that is.

“Your procedures and ways on how you brewed your concoctions will give you an advantage with your overall score. If you brewed it perfectly, and reduce the side effects, you'll get additional points and you get to keep a vial of your potion” Professor Slughorn watched the near wall clock and waited.

“Now in two minutes, you'll start”

Annalise's heart pounded. She can hear Ron and Harry whispering about but she can't focus on her surroundings, Potions had always tested her nerves for no particular reason.

She grip the edge of the table harshly and took a deep breath. This is just an examination, you'll be fine. She tried to remind herself.

However the thought of getting her own potion wrong makes her stomach churn with uneasiness, ever since her accident with the Draught of Living Death during their second year, she had been terrified of brewing.

Especially infront of people.

Take a deep breath, take a deep breath, take a deep breath.

“One minute!”

Annalise started to sweat, her spasmodic hands continue to twitch ― she hates countdowns.

Countdowns were a big part of the war, before they do something dangerous, before they set on another mission, Harry would always do a countdown, and that causes her extreme anxiety.

She wonder if others feel the same.

But then again, all she can hear are students muttering and memorizing potion procedures whereas she was feeling anxious.

Her heart was ramming fast against her chest and a lump formed in her throat, causing her to gulp multiple times.

Breathe. Breathe.

You'll do just fine, Annalise, you've prepared for this. She remind herself.

Annalise jolted from shock when a large hand suddenly wrapped around her waist, and a body was pressed against her back.

“You're shaking” a deep voice echoed in her ear, his hot breath ghosted over her neck causing her to breath heavily. “And you're sweating, you need to calm down”

Malfoy suddenly turned her around and took her spasming hands, he started to massage each of them, and he looked at her as though he was battling something in his mind.

To my Roommate, Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now